Issue - meetings

Contract Award Whitefriars Phase Two Remediation Works

Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Contract Award Whitefriars Phase Two Land Remediation pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment seeking Cabinet approval to award a contract for site remediation works at Plot 3c Market Parare, Gloucester (referred to as Whitefriars Phase 2) following a successful grant award from the One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund 2.




(1)       the grant funding of £477,903 from One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund 2 (BLRF2) associated with Whitefriars Apartments Phase 2, Gloucester is accepted;


(2)       the contract for works is awarded to Reef Estates through a contract variation to the Forum Development Agreement to enable Brownfield Land remediation to be undertaken at Whitefriars Phase 2.


Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment that sought approval to award a contract for site remediation works at Plot 3c Market Parade Gloucester (referred to as Whitefriars Phase 2) following a successful grant award from the One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund 2 (BLRF2).


The Cabinet Member for Environment reminded Members of the necessity to BLRF2 funding for any contract to be entered into by the end of March 2024.  He further advised that the proposed contract would not be a commitment to redevelop the site beyond remediation and that a planning application to increase the number of apartments would be made if it is approved.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy stated that this was exactly the sort of development that is needed: turning a brownfield site into much needed homes.




(1)       the grant funding of £477,903 from One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund 2 (BLRF2) associated with Whitefriars Apartments Phase 2, Gloucester is accepted;


(2)       the contract for works is awarded to Reef Estates through a contract variation to the Forum Development Agreement to enable Brownfield Land remediation to be undertaken at Whitefriars Phase 2.