Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions

Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services 

Link: Click to view live meeting from 6.00pm on 2 March 2021

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes.


There were no delcarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 406 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd February 2021.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd February 2021  were confirmed by the Chair as a correct record.


Late Material pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Please note that any late material in respect of the applications detailed below will be published as a supplement on the Council’s website in the late afternoon of the day of the meeting.


Late material had been circulated in respect of Agenda Item 5 – Land at Secunda Way (19/01141/FUL) and Agenda Item 6 – 1 Armscroft Road (20/00693/FUL).


Land At Secunda Way, Gloucester - 19/01141/FUL pdf icon PDF 469 KB

Application for determination: -


Construction of 4 three-storey buildings comprising 36 apartments (33 x two bedroomed and 3 x one bedroomed) with associated car parking, bin/recycling and cycle storage.


Additional documents:


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report detailing an application for the construction of 4 three-storey buildings comprising 36 apartments (33 x two bedroomed and 3 x one bedroomed) with associated car parking, bin/recycling, and cycle storage.


Councillor Finnegan was not present at the start of the discussion of the item and therefore took no part during the discussion of it.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to members questions concerning traffic on the site, comments made by the tree officer and the Civic Trust as follows:


-        The application had been updated since objections had been raised by the Civic Trust which addressed some of their concerns in relation to the cladding.

-        The tree officer confirmed that as long as the methodologies set out in the tree retention and protection plan were adhered to tree damage would be minimised, and no objection is raised subject to the inclusion of a condition to secure this.

-        The Tree Officer was concerned that the position of Block D and proposed car parking spaces in such close proximity to the trees was not desirable and could create problems in the future. The trees on the site were currently privately owned, and there was no liability for the Council for them presently. If pressure leads to the owners wanting to fell the trees and the City Council places a TPO on these trees in the future, the liability could pass to the City Council at a later date.

-        Highways had not commented specifically on the visibility of the traffic lights in the area; however, they had not raised any objections to the application.



Members Debate



-        A member stated that he believed that the development would tidy up the area and noted that he would be voting in favour of it.

-        The Vice-Chair said that he believed that it was a sensible development.

-        The Chair stated that getting the units required was helpful, so that on balance he agreed with the officer’s recommendation for approval.


The Chair moved, and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation as amended in the late material. 



RESOLVED that: - The grant of planning permission is delegated to the Development Management Technical Manager subject to the conditions set out in the report and late material, with the inclusion of the additional conditions recommended by the Contaminated Land Adviser (set out in the late material), and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.



1 Armscroft Road, Gloucester, GL2 0SQ - 20/00693/FUL pdf icon PDF 545 KB

Application for determination: -


The construction of part 3-storey/part 4-storey building comprising 9 no. 2 bedroom apartments with associated car parking and private amenity space involving demolition of existing retail unit and loss of existing Public Open Space.

Additional documents:


The Planning Development Manager presented the report detailing an application for the construction of part 3-storey/part 4-storey building comprising 9 no. 2 bedroom apartments with associated car parking and private amenity space involving demolition of existing retail unit and loss of existing Public Open Space.



The Planning Development Manager responded to members questions regarding the loss of open space, whether there was any affordable housing provided and as follows:


-        There had not been a survey conducted which investigated how many people used the open space that would be lost. However, they had conducted an open space assessment which concluded that there was a sufficient amount of open space within the ward.

-        The application would need a substantial redesign to keep the public open space.

-        The development was for less than 10 units, so there was not requirement to provide affordable housing.

-        Highways had not raised any objections.

-        The proposed development would not increase the amount of trip generation and may end up slightly decreasing it. 

-        The applicant would acquire the land from the Council. He could not say what the funds would be used for.

-        The applicant would contribute £42,000 to benefit open space in the area. £28,000 of it would be on formal sports, £10,000 would be on formal play and £4,000 would be on general POS.



Members Debate


-        A member stated that his main concern was the loss of open space. He added, however, that he was happy with the list of contributions to sport and other amenities that the applicant would make if the application was granted.

-        A member said that his only real concern was the volume of traffic within the area, but did not wish to see the building become derelict and was happy with the development otherwise.

-        A member stated that he was concerned with the loss of public open space. He stated that he was not against development within the area but would not support the application in its current format owing to the loss of public space.

-        A member stated that she believed that the application may help with parking in the area.

-        A member stated that he disagreed with concerns raised by a member in regards to the loss of public open space. He said that the public open space rarely got used and was not of a high standard.






The Chair moved, and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation.



RESOLVED that: - The grant of planning permission is delegated to the Development Management Technical Manager subject to the conditions set out in the report, the late material and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.


Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of January 2021.


The schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of January 2021 was noted.


RESOLVED that: - The schedule be noted.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday 6th April, 2021.


Tuesday 6th April, 2021.