Agenda and minutes
Venue: North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: Councillor Gravells declared a non-prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 6 (18 Denmark Road - 22/01196/FUL) owing to being the Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Gloucestershire County Council. Councillor Conder declared a prejudicial interest on the same item and withdrew from the discussion and voting on the item.
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 1st August 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 1st August 2023 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Please note that any late material in respect of the applications detailed below will be published as a supplement on the Council’s website in the late afternoon of the day before the meeting. Additional late material will be uploaded as a supplement on the Council’s website on the day of the meeting, should further relevant representations be received thereafter. Additional documents: Minutes: Late Material had been circulated in relation to agenda item 7, (9 Park Road – 23/00321/OUT). Additional Late Material had been circulated in relation to agenda item 6, (18 Denmark Road - 22/01196/FUL), and 9 (2 Oxford Street - 23/00037/FUL & 23/00038/LBC)
9 Denmark Road, Gloucester - 22/01255/FUL PDF 263 KB Application for Determination
Proposed change of use from a care home (Use Class C2) to 5 no. 4 bedroom residential units (Use Class C3) including associated alterations to the building and changes to access and parking. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer presented the application, detailing an application for a change of use from a care home (Use Class C2) to 5 no. 4-bedroom residential units (Use Class C3), including associated alterations to the building and changes to access and parking.
Councillor Hilton addressed the Committee regarding concerns he had with the application in its current format.
- He supported the application for a change of use as Kingsholm and Wotton had numerous care facilities. - He agreed with the Conservation Officer about the matter of retaining UPVC windows. He was glad that the applicant had amended their plans in accordance with this. - He supported the car parking at the front of the building but was concerned about the revised plans for car parking at the back of the building. This was because it took away green space that could have improved biodiversity. - He believed it was wrong to change the parking provisions because of the Civic Trust and Conservation Officer's determination that there should not be car parking at the front of the building, noting that other dwellings on Denmark Road had parking at the front. - He hoped that the application would receive determination but hoped that the applicant put in a fresh application in the futureto amend the car parking situation.
The applicant addressed the Committee in favour of the application.
He stated that the application should be granted on the following grounds:
- The Officer had provided a comprehensive presentation that members could support. - There had been a long, administrative process to get the application to a point where it could be supported by members and was thorough. - The Parking provision was in line with the’ Conservation Officer's plans - The last project the applicant was involved in was the Post House development near Barnwood Roundabout. This partially evidenced the quality of the designs the applicant was involved in.
The Principal Planning Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning whether Grass Crete permeable paving could be installed in the parking area, concerns raised about parking at the back rather than the front of the site, whether any social housing was proposed, whether there would be accessible dwellings, and who would be responsible for maintaining the gardens as follows:
- Regarding installing Grass Crete in the parking area, a similar proposal was considered at the front of the site which didn’t resolve conservation concerns. It would be possible to add a condition to any permission to secure further details of paving materials.
- One property would be built to M4(2) standard. This was an accessible and adaptable dwelling. - The application was for family dwellings, not social housing. - The issue surrounding parking at the front, instead of the back could not be dealt with via conditions. - The owners of the properties would be responsible for maintaining their gardens.
The Highways Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning whether Grass Crete permeable paving could be installed in the parking area ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
2gether NHS Foundation Trust, 18 Denmark Road, Gloucester - 22/01196/FUL PDF 273 KB Application for determination:
Proposed change of use of site from a health clinic/office to 25no. apartments involving conversion of the existing main building - No. 18 Denmark Road - and the provision of a new three-storey detached building to the rear, including associated landscaping, access and parking, following demolition of an existing single storey outbuilding (revised proposal following previously approved applications No.s 22/00565/FUL and 20/00300/FUL). (Amended plans) Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Conder declared a prejudicial interest in the item and withdrew from the discussion and voting on the item.
The Principal Planning Officer presented the report detailing an application for a proposed change of use of site from a health clinic/office to 25no. apartments involving conversion of the existing main building - No. 18 Denmark Road - and the provision of a new three-storey detached building to the rear, including associated landscaping, access and parking, following demolition of an existing single storey outbuilding (revised proposal following previously approved applications (22/00565/FUL and 20/00300/FUL).
A local resident addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.
She stated that the application should be rejected or amended on the following grounds:
- She lived around the corner from the site. She had opposed the application since 2020. Her concerns had not been addressed in this period. - Her garden would be significantly overlooked by the proposed three-storey building, this would lead to a loss of privacy. - She was pleased that the site would be used for residential purposes. However, there would be three large windows facing into her garden. This would mean that she could not sit in her own garden and would lose privacy. - She did not object to the principle of residential development. However, the complete loss of privacy that the windows overlooking her garden would cause would lead to her move property. - Construction had already got underway and she was aware that she could not prevent this. However, she wanted her concerns to be heard. - The original light report from the previous application in 2020 (20/00300/FUL) was inaccurate. When she raised this, her concerns were ignored. - She had asked for there to be a review of the window situation, which was also ignored.
The Principal Planning Officer responded to Members’ questions regarding concerns raised about overlooking, clarification about the placement of buildings, whether construction had got underway, what changes the Committee could make to the application, what the fallback position of the applicant was in the event that application did not receive consent, concerns surrounding the design of the building and Civic Trust’s comments relating to this, and further detail regarding the S106 agreement and what would happen after residents from Clapham Court were re-located as follows:
- A 3-Storey building would be moved closer to the nearby villa. - Regarding overlooking, there were windows that faced eastwards. However, these windows would have obscured glazing. - She was not aware if the proposed obscured glazing was proposed in the 2020 application. - Work had commenced on site. However, the Committee could only determine the application in front of them. - The buildings were entirely flat roofed. - The agent has also agreed to enter into a S106 agreement which would restrict the use of the 1 bed 1 person homes to be used as – on 1st let, decants from Clapham Court in the first instance. Where this is not possible, they should be used on ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
9 Park Road, Gloucester - 23/00321/OUT PDF 259 KB Application for Determination
Demolition of former hall and ancillary structures. Redevelopment comprising 11 residential flats with associated bin and bike stores, external hard and soft landscaping. Outline application with landscaping reserved for future consideration. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer presented the report, detailing an application for the demolition of former hall and ancillary structures. Redevelopment comprising eleven residential flats with associated bin and bike stores, external hard and soft landscaping. Outline application with landscaping reserved for future consideration.
The Principal Planning Officer further added that the application now included an additional note from Severn Trent Water, which was included in the late material. She confirmed that there were two additional conditions proposed, which were: 1) The requirement for the submission and approval of details of the proposed PV Panels on the roof of the flats. 2) The requirement for there to be controls placed on the consumption of water for occupiers of the prospective dwellings.
She further advised that she had received additional clarification following discussions with Gloucester City Homes (GCH) regarding the affordable housing requirement. There would be a 20/80 split of the 100% affordable housing for this scheme. The split would comprise 20% developer contribution and 80% additionality.
She concluded by stating that the Officer recommendation was that the grant of outline planning permission is delegated to the Planning Development Manager subject to:
1. The completion of a S106 Agreement to secure:
2. The inclusion of the conditions set out in Section 7.0 of the report together with additional conditions to:
Severn Trent Water advise that it would not permit a surface water discharge into the public combined sewer, and recommend the applicant seeks alternative arrangements – please note, we would insist soakaways and other SUD techniques are investigated before considering a discharge to the public surface water sewer with restricted rates.
A local resident addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.
She stated that the application should be refused on the following grounds:
- It was an abnormally sized building. - Intrusion concerns. - Loss of privacy. - Her family had a right to enjoy their home, which included their garden. - There was a doctors surgery ran by Gloucester City Homes in the area, which created a lot of anti-social behaviour. She added that the local YMCA, also experienced this. - She wanted the Committee and Officers to understand how intrusive the application would be. - Wellbeing concerns for herself and her family.
The Principal Planning Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning the archaeological concerns, questions about the design of the proposed windows and the impact ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
36 Denmark Road, Gloucester - 22/01158/FUL PDF 142 KB Application for Determination
Construction of replacement entrance porch. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Planning Officer presented the report detailing an application for the construction of a replacement entrance porch.
The Planning Officer responded to Members’ questions concerning whether the fence fronting the property had been built without planning consent and why the application had been called to Committee as follows:
- The fence fronting the property (though it was not relevant to the application before the Committee) had been put up without consent. However, the Committee could only consider the application in front of them. - There had been objections by the Civic Trust and conservation team. - The reason that the application had not been dealt with by delegated decisions was because it was called in by the local ward member. - The access would not change. There was not a drop curb at the frontage of the site.
The Chair moved and the Vice-Chair seconded the Officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED that – the application was refused.
Delegated Decisions PDF 204 KB To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of May and July 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the delegated decisions for May and July 2023 were noted. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday 3rd October, 2023 at 6pm in Civic Suite, North Warehouse. Minutes: Tuesday, 3rd October 2023. |