Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Appointment of Vice-Chair To confirm the appointment of Councillor Morgan as Vice-Chair of the Committee. Minutes: Councillor Morgan was confirmed as Vice-Chair of the Committee. |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on November 2nd 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd of November 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Vice-Chair as a correct record. |
Late Material Please note that any late material in respect of the applications detailed below will be published as a supplement on the Council’s website in the late afternoon of the day of the meeting. Minutes: Late Material had been circulated in respect of agenda item 6 – Kingsway Local Centre (18/00852/FUL). |
KINGSWAY LOCAL CENTRE, THATCHAM AVENUE, KINGSWAY, QUEDGELEY, GLOUCESTER - 18/00852/FUL PDF 10 MB Erection of a new building to provide 22 self-contained units of supported living accommodation and associated works, including car and cycle parking and landscaping.
This application was previously deferred from the October 2021 meeting of the Planning Committee. Minutes: This application had been deferred at the October 2021 meeting of the Planning Committee.
The Principal Planning Officer provided an overview of the planning issues and an update on the application for the erection of a new building to provide 22 self-contained units of supported living accommodation and associated works, including car and cycle parking and landscaping.
The Principal Planning Officer summarised the contents of the late material which included a representation from a local ward member, a summary of a 55-page statement by a local resident and additional consultee responses from the Noise Advisers (WRS) and the Ecology Adviser.
She noted that there was a slight error in the late material, whereby the updated conditions listed as conditions 18, 19 and 20 respectively should have been listed as numbers 19, 20 and 21. She stated that the officer recommendation was to grant the application with the additional conditions in the late material and the updating of these condition numbers.
She noted that, as discussed at October’s Committee meeting, the level of noise in the area was deemed acceptable by the Noise Advisers (WRS) and that background noise levels would have to increase significantly to result in any harm.
The Principal Planning Officer stated that in relation to concerns raised about crime in the area by members at October’s Committee, that the most up to date figures that she could find, which contained a ward by ward analysis (paragraph 1.9 of the report), showed that Kingsway had a below City average amount of both anti-social behaviour and total crime rates per 1,000 people in Gloucester.
She confirmed that following the deferral at October’s Committee after the discovery of Newts on-site, the applicant had applied to Nature Space who had issued a certificate that confirmed that the development could be considered under the Councils District License, that works were acceptable in principle and set out conditions that must be adhered to. She added that additional conditions in the late material set out that before the commencement of any ground works/vegetation removal, an ecologist should inspect the site for non-protected species, including newts, toads and hedgehogs to ensure that proper provision was made to safeguard species.
Councillor Kubaszczyk, a local ward member for Kingsway, addressed the Planning Committee in opposition to the application.
He objected to the application on the following grounds:
- The Crime Rates provided in the officer report were out of date. He stated that he had contacted Quedgeley’s Neighbourhood Policing Team who had provided updated figures that showed a significant increase of anti-social behavioural incidents since 2018; - There had been almost a 40% increase in recorded cases of crime in the area since 2018; - The number of recorded anti-social behavioural instances had doubled in Kingsway since 2019; - Incidents of anti-social behaviour in the surrounding area could have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the potential residents; - The Committee should listen to local stakeholders’ opposition to the application.
The Head of Development ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Delegated Decisions PDF 193 KB To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of October 2021. Minutes: The schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of October 2021 was noted. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday 4th January 2022 at 6pm in Civic Suite, North Warehouse. Minutes: Tuesday, 4th January 2022. |