Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 6th September 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED that: - the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th of September 2022 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Please note that any late material in respect of the applications detailed below will be published as a supplement on the Council’s website in the late afternoon of the day before the meeting. Additional late material will be uploaded as a supplement on the Council’s website on the day of the meeting, should further relevant representations be received thereafter. Minutes: Late material had been circulated in relation to agenda item 5 – Land North of Rudloe Drive. |
Land North of Rudloe Drive, Gloucester - 22/00553/REM PDF 1 MB Application for determination:
Reserved matters approval (access, appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) for 150 dwellings including public open space and infrastructure. Minutes: The Senior Planner presented the report detailing a reserved matters application for 150 dwellings including public open space and infrastructure.
An associate director of Nexus Planning spoke in favour of the application on behalf of the applicant.
He stated that the application should be granted on the following grounds:
- The application had been tailored around the comments raised at the outline planning stage that had been approved by Committee in July 2021. - Vehicular access would be provided from three existing access points off Rudloe Drive. - The application would provide strong frontages to Rudloe Drive. - The applicant had worked with Council officers and relevant parties to improve the scheme in areas such as car parking. Improvements had also been made to the appearance of the street scene. - There would be 120 open market units and 30 affordable housing units. This was fully compliant with affordable housing policy. - The youth pitch that would be provided and the amount of parking provision met the County Council’s requirements for open space provision and parking. - There had been no letters of objection. - The matters raised by Quedgeley Town Council had been dealt with. Tree planting and removal had been agreed upon with the tree officer. - 81 new trees would be planted.
Members’ Questions
The Senior Planner responded to members’ questions concerning the location of the youth pitch, the location where the new trees would be planted, how many four bedroom properties would be built, who would maintain the landscaping and what the officer recommendation was as follows:
- The youth pitch was not located immediately next to properties. - The trees around the public open space would be retained. The additional 81 trees would be planted throughout the site. - There would be 42 four bedroomed houses. 39 of which would be open market units, three would be affordable housing units. - The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and late material.
Members’ Debate
The Chair stated that he was satisfied with the application, particularly the amount of affordable housing included.
The Chair moved and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED that: - the reserved matters application is granted subject to conditions outlined in the report and late material. |
Longlevens Rugby Club, Longlevens, Gloucester - 22/00248/FUL PDF 478 KB Application for determination:
Proposed extension and alteration to clubhouse to include new gym, larger ground floor lounge bar, addition of balcony and bar area on the first floor. Extension to existing store and extended car parking area. Minutes: The Senior Planner presented the report detailing an application for an extension and alteration to a clubhouse to include a new gym, larger ground floor lounge bar, an addition of a balcony and bar area on the first floor and an extension to existing store and extended car parking area.
This application was previously deferred at committee to allow time for the Rugby and Football club to resolve concerns over the proposed development.
The Senior Planner responded to a members’ question concerning whether there would a lift as follows:
- There would be a lift.
Members’ Debate
Councillor Tracey stated that she was happy to support the updated application.
Councillor Finnegan stated that she was happy that the Football and Rugby club managed to come to a solution and that she would support the recommendation of the officer.
The Chair moved and the Vice-Chair seconded the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED that: - Planning permission is granted subject to the conditions outlined in the report. |
Delegated Decisions PDF 203 KB To consider a schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of September 2022. Minutes: The schedule of applications determined under delegated powers during the month of September 2022 was noted.
RESOLVED that: - the schedule be noted. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 at Civic Suite, North Warehouse. Minutes: Tuesday 6th December 2022. |