Agenda and minutes
Venue: North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester
Contact: Sonia Tucker Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair To note the appointments made by Council at the Annual Meeting:-
Chair – Councillor Randle Vice Chair – Councillor Patel
Minutes: The following appointments, made by Council at the Annual Meeting, were noted:-
Chair – Councillor Randle Vice Chair – Councillor Patel
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: No declarations were made on this occasion. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2014 and the special meeting held on 11 May 2015.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 9 December 2014 and 11 May 2015 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from members of the public provided that a question does not relate to:
· Matters which are the subject of current or pending legal proceedings, or · Matters relating to employees or former employees of the Council or comments in respect of individual Council Officers Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public. |
Petitions and Deputations To receive any petitions and deputations provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:
· Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or · Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings Minutes: There were no petitions or deputations. |
Gambling Act 2005 - Draft Statement of Principles To receive the report of the Head of Public Protection which informs the Committee of the legal requirement to prepare a statement of principles under which the Council will carry out its functions under the provisions of the Gambling Act 2005 and seeks approval of the draft Statement of Principles for 2016 – 2019 (Appendix 1) for public consultation.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Licensing and Markets Officer presented the report which informed Members of the legal requirement to prepare a statement of principles under which the Council will carry out its functions under the provisions of the Gambling Act 2005 and seeks the Committee’s approval of the draft Statement of Principles 2016-19 for purposes of public consultation.
He advised Members that the guidance recommended a twelve week consultation period but given the time available before the next meeting of the Committee, the minor nature of the amendments proposed to the existing Statement of Principles and the ability of the Licensing Team to engage stakeholders quickly, the Council would consult on the document for a period of ten weeks.
In answer to Members’ questions, he advised that the Council was required to consult on the Statement of Principles every three years, notice of the consultation would be placed in a local newspaper and letters would be sent to those stakeholders listed in the report.
The Chair requested that the Law Centre, Project Solace (Gloucester City Homes) and City Safe be consulted on the Statement.
The Head of Public Protection advised that the County Media Team would be requested to issue an appropriate press release.
RESOLVED that the draft Statement of Principles for the period 2016-19 be approved for the purposes of public consultation over a ten week period.
Members' Update for Licensing and Enforcement Committee To consider the report of the Head of Public Protection which details key licensing activities carried out in the last quarter, details of any enforcement work, progress updates on the work plan and any changes in licensing law.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Food Safety and Licensing Service Manager presented the report which provided details of key licensing activities carried out in the last quarter (January-March 2015) including applications and service requests received, details of enforcement work undertaken, details of progress against the work plan and changes in relevant legislation.
She drew Members’ attention to the Best Bar None Scheme detailed at paragraph 6.4 of the report. She reported that 18 applicants had signed up to the Scheme which had exceeded expectations. An awards ceremony would be held at the end of August/ early September and would recognise those licensed premises that were taking more social responsibility to keep their venues safe and enjoyable.
Councillor Tracey welcomed the Scheme which she believed showed that the Council cared.
Councillor Hanman was advised that the scheme was targeted initially at premises in the City centre but it was hoped that it would migrate outwards in due course.
Councillor Brown asked how the public would recognise award-winning premises and he was advised that there would be publicity surrounding the awards ceremony and a sign would be issued for display in winning premises.
The Vice-Chair thanked Officers for the enforcement work they had undertaken which, he noted, often involved working unsociable hours.
The Chair asked if there had been progress on the proposed evening economy walk for Members. She was advised that the Police Licensing Officer had suggested Saturday 4 July between the hours of 10.00 pm and 2.30 am.
The Senior Licensing and Markets Officer advised that he would shortly be seeking expressions of interest from Members by e-mail and other dates may be considered dependent on take up.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday, 15 September 2015 at 6.30 p.m. Minutes: Tuesday, 15 September 2015 at 6.30pm. |