Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or nonpecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda notes. Minutes: Councillor Ackroyd and Councillor Tracey declared non-prejudicial interests in agenda item 4 (Application for an environmental permit – Permali, Gloucester UK LTD.) owing to being local ward members.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 12th September 2023 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Application for an Environmental Permit - Permali Gloucester UK Ltd. To receive the report of the Head of Communities. The purpose of the report was for the Licensing and Enforcement Committee to consider the granting of an Environmental Permit, to operate a solvent impregnation activity, at Permali Gloucester UK Ltd. 170 Bristol Road, Gloucester GL1 5TT.
To speak at the committee hearing please contact or call 01452 396396 for support by noon on Wednesday 15 November 2023. Please note that only those that have made representations/interested parties will be permitted to address the Committee at the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: A site visit was conducted prior to the Committee meeting to allow for full consideration of the application.
24.1 The Community Wellbeing Manager presented the report which asked the Licensing and Enforcement Committee to consider the granting of an Environmental Permit, to operate a solvent impregnation activity, at Permali Gloucester UK Ltd. 170 Bristol Road, Gloucester GL1 5TT. 24.2 The Principal Officer (WRS) noted that Permali’s activity would involve the consumption of over 200 tonnes of organic solvents per annum in the manufacture of bespoke laminated products for a range of end uses. This was why they applied for an A2 license instead of a Part B solvent licence. He mentioned that Permali used a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO), which was the most effective way of dealing with compounds. The Community Wellbeing Manager also highlighted that Permali had numerous cyclones, as well as a carbon filtration system. Regarding noise, it was noted that WRS had thoroughly examined the application, and in their opinion, Permali had the best available solutions to manage noise.
Members’ Questions
24.3 Councillor Hyman pointed to paragraph 5.2 of the report, which stated that there would be 'regular site visits to assess compliance with the permit conditions' if the application were approved. He asked how frequently these visits would occur. In response, the Community Wellbeing Manager stated that it would depend on the risks associated with the site. He mentioned that the inspectors had indicated they would conduct a high level of visits. The Principal Officer added that it could be once, twice, three times, or more times a year. He also confirmed that Permali would be legally required to submit a significant amount of information about their operations. Therefore, the visits would not be the only method of enforcement. He said that if Permali did not provide the pertinent information, then they would inspect the site.
24.4 Councillor Ackroyd noted that the ward of Moreland would also be affected by the application, a point not reflected in the Officer report. She enquired whether the proposed sound barriers would prevent noise pollution on the Moreland side of the application. In response, the Community Wellbeing Manager advised that the building itself on the Bristol Road side of the application acted as a sound barrier.
24.5 Councillor Tracey asked what height the proposed sound barrier would be. In response, the Principal Officer responded that it would be 6 metres.
24.6 Councillor Tracey asked what raw materials would be used on site. In response, the Principal Officer said that a number of impregnated products would be used on site. He said that a mix of inorganic fibres and organic solvents would be used and that these were processed into laminated sheets.
24.7 Councillor Tracey asked what happened to the solvent during the industrial process. The Community Wellbeing Manager responded that the solvent would be stored on site and that Permali would measure the total amount of solvent used correct. 24.8 In response to a question about air quality, the Community ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday, 12 December at 6.30 p.m. Minutes: Tuesday 12 December, 2023. |