Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Atika Tarajiya Democratic Services Officer 01452 396127 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: Councillor James (Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture) declared a personal interest in Agenda item 8 (Festival and Events Programme) through his role as Chair of Marketing Gloucester Limited. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2014. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on the 10 December 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Public Question Time (15 minutes) The opportunity is given to members of the public to put questions to Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs provided that a question does not relate to:
· Matters which are the subject of current or pending legal proceedings, or · Matters relating to employees or former employees of the Council or comments in respect of individual Council Officers Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Petitions and Deputations (15 minutes) To receive any petitions or deputations provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:
· Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or · Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings Minutes: There were no petitions and deputations. |
To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture detailing the progress of the City Plan programme and associated budget requirements of £141,000 over the next three financial years.
Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the next stages of the City Plan work programme as set out in this report be endorsed;
2. That a further report be prepared on the City Plan work programme once the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) has been adopted
3. Subject to the approval of the budget proposals for 2015/16, the City Plan future budget requests in this report be approved.
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture which outlined the progress of the City Plan programme and associated budget requirement of £141,000 over the next three financial years.
Councillor James explained that the City Plan, in conjunction with the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) were vital in guiding the long term development within the City, and would be subject to future public consultation. He commented that the estimated budget requirements had been accounted for in the 2015/16 budget plan and actually demonstrated a reduction from the original proposals.
Cabinet Members acknowledged the need for the strategy to guide future development within the City and noted Councillor Porter’s concerns regarding the JCS. They placed on record their thanks to the Officers involved.
1. That the next stages of the City Plan work programme as set out in this report be endorsed.
2. That a further report be prepared on the City Plan work programme once the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) has been adopted.
3. Subject to the approval of the budget proposals for 2015/16, the City Plan future budget requests in this report be approved.
Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy PDF 206 KB To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval on the proposed draft of the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy 2015-2020.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
(1) That the contents of this report be noted.
(2) That the broad direction of the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy be approved.
(3) That the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy be subject to a public consultation exercise.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval on the proposed draft of the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy 2015-2020 for the purposes of public consultation.
Councillor James summarised the key areas of progress to date and the future priorities of the strategy. He explained that following public consultation a more detailed and comprehensive plan would be produced.
The Dean of Gloucester explained that private investors had agreed to commit to the policy and contribute in an advisory capacity. He commented that the success of the policy lay in goals of common commitment and developments that would complement and benefit each other.
In response to Councillor Porter’s query regarding the delivery of public consultation, Councillor James explained that details had not been confirmed, though steps would be taken to ensure a wide audience and high levels of engagement.
Cabinet Members praised the strategy for adopting a community based regeneration model which addressed both economic and social challenges. They noted the excellent progress made in the City so far, and acknowledged that further work was required.
(1) That the contents of this report be noted.
(2) That the broad direction of the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy be approved.
(3) That the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy be subject to a public consultation exercise.
Festivals and Events Programme PDF 195 KB To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and culture seeking approval for a programme of events, support and associated budgets during 2015/16 which will see a mix of community, brand building and Rugby World Cup (RWC2015) events across the city that will be co-ordinated by Marketing Gloucester Ltd.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
That the 2015/16 programme of Council funded and supported events as set out in Section 3 of the report be approved.
That the criteria set out in paragraph 5.3 of the report are still relevant and should form the basis of any strategic decision making when planning future events and festivals. Minutes: Councillor James declared a personal interest in agenda Item 8A (Festival and Events Programme) through his role as Chair of Marketing Gloucester Limited (MGL).
Cabinet considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval for a programme of events, support and associated budgets during 2015/16 which would see a mix of community, brand building and Rugby World Cup (RWC2015) events across the City that would be co-ordinated by MGL.
Councillor James explained that the proposals would allow for a diverse range of events to be held in the City which would contribute to economic and residential benefit whilst retaining flexibility in the budget, by means of the contingency fund, for (RWC2015) events.
Cabinet Members were pleased to note that the programme catered for a wide range of the City’s population across the year and would contribute to promoting the City’s identity and inspiring pride in local residents.
1. That the 2015/16 programme of Council funded and supported events as set out in Section 3 of the report be approved.
2. That the criteria set out in paragraph 5.3 of the report are still relevant and should form the basis of any strategic decision making when planning future events and festivals. |
Gloucester City Centre Strategy PDF 150 KB To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval of a draft Gloucester City Centre Strategy 2015-19. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the development of a draft City Centre Strategy for Gloucester be approved.
2. That the indicative strategic priorities and key actions (for wider consultation with stakeholders) outlined in Appendix 1 be noted.
3. That the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development Service, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture, be given delegated responsibility to co-ordinate and work with other stakeholders who have an interest in the city centre, to prepare and deliver a draft City Centre Strategy for Gloucester.
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval of the Gloucester City Centre Strategy 2015-19.
Councillor James outlined how the strategy sought to develop the City Centre to adapt to new shopping trends and the evolution of a modern city centre. He requested that the term “affordable fashion” and strategic priorities be expanded upon further within the strategy following discussion at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 23 January 2015. Councillor Toleman (City Centre Champion) commented that a report due to be compiled by the Local Economic Partnership (LEP) on shopping trends and habits within the City Centre would be a useful tool in achieving the outlined aims.
Cabinet Members were pleased to note that the strategy incorporated the aims of the Gloucester City Vision and that it would help to progress Gloucester as a tourist destination and develop the heritage of the City.
1. That the development of a draft City Centre Strategy for Gloucester be approved.
2. That the indicative strategic priorities and key actions (for wider consultation with stakeholders) outlined in Appendix 1 be noted.
3. That the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development Service, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture, be given delegated responsibility to co-ordinate and work with other stakeholders who have an interest in the city centre, to prepare and deliver a City Centre Strategy for Gloucester.
Risk Management Strategy PDF 393 KB To receive the report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval of the Risk Management Strategy. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
That the Risk Management Strategy be approved.
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval of the Risk Management Strategy.
Councillor James remarked that the report had been considered by the Audit and Governance Committee on 19 January 2015 where Members had noted the recommendations.
Cabinet Members acknowledged the need for a revised strategy and were pleased to note the inclusion of the Corporate Risk Register to identify and minimise risks.
That the Risk Management Strategy be approved.
Internal Audit Shared Service PDF 199 KB To receive the report of the Head of Finance seeking approval for the formation of an Internal Audit and Risk Management Shared Service between Gloucester City Council, Stroud District Council and Gloucestershire County Council. Decision: RESOLVED TO RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL:
1. Agrees to the creation of a Shared Internal Audit and Risk ManagementService with effect from 1 April 2015 (“the Commencement Date) or such other date as is agreed between Gloucester City Council, Stroud District Council, and Gloucestershire County Council on the basis set out in this report;
2. Delegates this Council’s Internal Audit Function to Gloucestershire County Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 101, of the Local Government Act 1972, Sections 19 and 20 of the Local Government Act 2000 and all other enabling powers subject to (6) below;
3. Agrees to enter into an Administrative Collaboration Agreement, under S101 of the Local Government Act 1972 with the partner authorities;
4. Delegates authority to the Corporate Director Services and Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, to approve the terms of the Administrative Collaboration Agreement;
5. Agrees to the transfer of staff to Gloucestershire County Council as Host Authority on the terms set out in the Administrative Collaboration Agreement from the Commencement Date;
6. Agrees to the formation of an Internal Audit and Risk ManagementShared Services Board involving the Section 151 officers from each of the participating authorities, to oversee the implementation and ongoing monitoring of the s101 Agreement; and
7. Authorises the Monitoring Officer to make any consequent changes to the Council’s Constitution to reflect the shared services arrangements and delegation of the internal audit service function to the Head of the Internal Audit and Risk Management Shared Service at Gloucestershire County Council.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking approval for the formation of an Internal Audit and Risk Management Shared Service between Gloucester City Council, Stroud District Council and Gloucestershire County Council.
Councillor Norman explained that the proposals set out clear plans of how to achieve greater efficiencies and savings and advised that the formation of Shared Services Board would oversee the implementation and delivery of the function.
Cabinet Members endorsed the proposed approach noting that partnership working was the appropriate option and would generate further efficiencies going forward.
1. Agrees to the creation of a Shared Internal Audit and Risk ManagementService with effect from 1 April 2015 (“the Commencement Date) or such other date as is agreed between Gloucester City Council, Stroud District Council, and Gloucestershire County Council on the basis set out in this report;
2. Delegates this Council’s Internal Audit Function to Gloucestershire County Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 101, of the Local Government Act 1972, Sections 19 and 20 of the Local Government Act 2000 and all other enabling powers subject to (6) below;
3. Agrees to enter into an Administrative Collaboration Agreement, under S101 of the Local Government Act 1972 with the partner authorities;
4. Delegates authority to the Corporate Director Services and Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, to approve the terms of the Administrative Collaboration Agreement;
5. Agrees to the transfer of staff to Gloucestershire County Council as Host Authority on the terms set out in the Administrative Collaboration Agreement from the Commencement Date;
6. Agrees to the formation of an Internal Audit and Risk ManagementShared Services Board involving the Section 151 officers from each of the participating authorities, to oversee the implementation and ongoing monitoring of the s101 Agreement; and
7. Authorises the Monitoring Officer to make any consequent changes to the Council’s Constitution to reflect the shared services arrangements and delegation of the internal audit service function to the Head of the Internal Audit and Risk Management Shared Service at Gloucestershire County Council.
Proposed IT Capital Infrastructure Upgrade PDF 132 KB To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources detailing the current condition of the City’s Council’s IT infrastructure and its associated risks, and to suggest alternatives for the infrastructure to fit purpose and meet regulatory requirements. Decision: RESOLVED:
(1) That the Council’s server’s be relocated to a purpose built offsite data centre in order to improve, performance and regulatory compliance concerns that exist whilst the infrastructure remain in its current location.
(2) That Members access email via a managed device and webmail remain in an offline state.
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources detailing the current condition of the City’s Council’s IT infrastructure and its associated risks, and proposing alternatives for upgrading the infrastructure to meet regulatory requirements.
Cabinet Members acknowledged the significant challenges and issues faced with the current infrastructure and emphasised the need for a system that would provide the most efficient customer service in a secure and compliant fashion.
1. That the Council’s servers be relocated to a purpose built offsite data centre in order to improve, performance and regulatory compliance concerns that exist whilst the infrastructure remain in its current location.
2. That Members access email via a managed device and webmail remain in an offline state.
Developing Trade Links with China, India and South Korea PDF 112 KB To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval for development of a strategy to strengthen the City’s links with China and explore business opportunities in other global locations including India and South Korea. Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That a strategy be prepared identifying how the City can develop its international links with other global locations including India and South Korea, in a manner that brings solid economic benefits to the City’s businesses and citizens;
2. That subject to any comments Council may wish to make, a friendship agreement with Guangzhou Municipality be signed by the Mayor of Gloucester, on such terms as may be agreed by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture.
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval for the development of a strategy to strengthen the City’s links with China and explore business opportunities in other global locations, including India and South Korea.
Councillor James summarised the current position and advised that the focus would be on tangible outcomes. The Head of Regeneration and Economic Development explained that work was being undertaken with the (LEP) to develop those relationships and outcomes. Councillor James commented that it would be useful to include the City’s MP in the discussions, utilising his already established links with China.
1. That a strategy be prepared identifying how the City can develop its international links with other global locations including India and South Korea, in a manner that brings solid economic benefits to the City’s businesses and citizens;
2. That subject to any comments Council may wish to make, a friendship agreement with Guangzhou Municipality be signed by the Mayor of Gloucester, on such terms as may be agreed by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture.
To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval to form a Shared Building Control Service between Gloucester City Council and Stroud District Council.
Please note: Appendix 3 to the report contains information that is considered to be exempt from disclosure to the press and public by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information)) and should Cabinet wish to discuss the detail of the Appendix it will be necessary to resolve to exclude the press and public.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the creation of a Shared Building ControlService as set out in this report be approved with effect from 1 April 2015 (“the Commencement Date) or such other date as is agreed between Gloucester City Council and Stroud District Council.
2. That the Council’s Building Control Function be delegated to Stroud District Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 101of the Local Government Act 1972, and all other enabling powers.
3. That an Agreement under S101 of the Local Government Act 1972 (the S101 Agreement) be entered into with Stroud District Council.
4. That authority be delegated to the Head of Legal and Policy Development to negotiate and approve the terms of the S101 Agreement.
5. That the transfer of staff to Stroud District Council as Host Authority from the Commencement Date on the terms set out in the S101 Agreement be approved.
6. That a Shared Services Board involving the officers from each of the authorities be approved.
7. That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any consequent changes to the Council’s Constitution to reflect the shared services arrangements and delegation of the Building Control service function to the appropriate officer at Stroud District Council.
Minutes: Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture seeking approval to form a Shared Building Control Service between Gloucester City Council and Stroud District Council.
Cabinet Members endorsed the proposed approach noting that it would generate further savings and offer a wider and competitive service for customers, thereby generating greater income. Councillor James placed on record his thanks to the current Building Control Officer for all his efforts.
1. That the creation of a Shared Building ControlService as set out in this report be approved with effect from 1 April 2015 (“the Commencement Date) or such other date as is agreed between Gloucester City Council and Stroud District Council.
2. That the Council’s Building Control Function be delegated to Stroud District Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 101of the Local Government Act 1972, and all other enabling powers.
3. That an Agreement under S101 of the Local Government Act 1972 (the S101 Agreement) be entered into with Stroud District Council.
4. That authority be delegated to the Head of Legal and Policy Development to negotiate and approve the terms of the S101 Agreement.
5. That the transfer of staff to Stroud District Council as Host Authority from the Commencement Date on the terms set out in the S101 Agreement be approved.
6. That a Shared Services Board involving the officers from each of the authorities be approved.
7. That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any consequent changes to the Council’s Constitution to reflect the shared services arrangements and delegation of the Building Control service function to the appropriate officer at Stroud District Council.