Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP

Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th September 2023.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th September 2023 are confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Public Question Time (15 minutes)

The opportunity is given to members of the public to put questions to Cabinet Members. A question may be rejected if it:


(i)         Is not about a matter for which the local authority has responsibility or influence; or

(ii)        Is illegal, improper, defamatory, frivolous or offensive; or

(iii)    Is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the Council, Cabinet or Committee in the past 6 months; or

(iv)   Requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information; or

(v)    Is related to confidential staffing matters; or

(vi)   Is relating to the personal affairs or conduct of individual Members or Officers.


To ask a question at this meeting, please submit it to by 12 noon on Friday 6th October 2023 or telephone 01452 396203 for support.



There were no public questions.


Petitions and Deputations (15 minutes)

To receive any petitions or deputations provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:


·            Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or

·            Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings



There were no petitions or deputations.


Leader and Cabinet Members' Question Time (15 minutes) pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Any Member of the Council may ask the Leader of the Council or any Cabinet Member any question upon:


·       Any matter relating to the Council’s administration

·       Any matter relating to any report of the Cabinet appearing on the summons

·       A matter coming within their portfolio of responsibilities


Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.


Questions must be submitted to by 12 noon on Friday 6th October 2023. Responses to questions will be published in an addendum to the agenda by 12 noon on the day of the Cabinet Meeting.


In respect of question 1 Councillor Hilton queried how the required independent energy audit could be conducted with the swimming pool being closed.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure noted that the pool was open when that condition was proposed to Aspire and that they had agreed it.  He stated that he was sure it would be completed further down the road.


In respect of question 2 Councillor Hilton informed Members that he considered now would be a sensible time to refurbish the shower and changing facilities as the swimming pool was closed.  He asked when the refurbishment would take place.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure confirmed that a programme of refurbishment works would be discussed with the interim provider whom the Council hoped to appoint in a matter of weeks rather than months.


In respect of question 3 Councillor Hilton advised that he was aware of three dates mentioned for the swimming pool to reopen by: 1st January 2024, 31st March 2024, or before the May 2024 local elections.  He sought clarification of the intended date.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure gave assurance that plans were afoot to appoint a new interim provider and that the matter would be discussed in detail at the coming extraordinary Council meeting (19th October 2023).  He stated that the pool would be open by January 2024.



Armed Forces Community Covenant Update pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods updating Members on the support offered to current and former members of the armed forces, reservists, and their families as part of the Council’s commitment to the Gloucestershire Armed Forces Community Covenant.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that work undertaken to support current and ex-service personnel as part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to the Covenant is endorsed.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that updated Members on the support offered to current and former members of the armed forces, reservists, and their families as part of the Council’s commitment to the Gloucestershire Armed Forces Community Covenant.


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods reminded Members of the Council’s commitment to the Covenant and whole of the armed forces community.  He drew Members’ attention to some of its obligations (3.3) and activities undertaken by the Council to meet them (Appendix 1).  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy noted that Gloucester has the largest veteran population in the county (3.5).  She advised that the support given to veterans by the Housing and Homelessness Teams went beyond what was required by legislation.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented on the debt owed to those who put their life on the line and urged that when they needed help they should get it.  The Cabinet Member for Environment emphasised the importance of supporting those who protect us as a mark of respect.


RESOLVED that work undertaken to support current and ex-service personnel as part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to the Covenant is endorsed.



City Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy seeking approval to consult on the Draft Gloucester City Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan prior to issuing the document for public consultation.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the draft Gloucester City Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan is approved for consultation amongst the public and interested parties in the city centre.


Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy that sought approval to consult on the Draft Gloucester City Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan prior to issuing the document for public consultation.


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy thanked officers for the depth of detail contained within the report and outlined the background to it.  She drew Members’ attention to the proposed amendments to the conservation area and reminded them how much development and regeneration had taken place in the City since the last review in 2007.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the expertise of officers had provided a fascinating insight into Gloucester’s heritage.  That the City’s rich history was a large part of its unique appeal was reiterated by Cabinet Member for Environment who looked forward to seeing what the public will contribute to the proposed consultation.


RESOLVED that the draft Gloucester City Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan is approved for consultation with the public and interested parties in the city centre.


Financial Monitoring: Quarter 1 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking Members to note year-end forecasts, the financial pressures on the Council during the Quarter ended 30th June 2023 and report on the performance of the Council against certain key financial performance indicators.


Additional documents:




              (1)               it is noted that the forecast year end position is currently for a decrease to the Council’s General Fund balance of £1,504k against a budgeted decrease of £104k


              (2)               the details of specific budgetary issues identified by officers and the actions being taken to address those issues is noted


              (3)               the current level of Capital expenditure as shown in Appendix 2 of the report is noted.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought Members to note year-end forecasts, the financial pressures on the Council during the Quarter ended 30th June 2023 and report on the performance of the Council against certain key financial performance indicators.


The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources highlighted the key features of the report including the decrease to the General Fund Balance (2.1(1), 4.2) and principal pressures (4.3).  She emphasised that both officers and Cabinet Members were working hard to reduce those pressures.  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources noted the favourable forecast within her own portfolio (5.4).  She further noted the £3m income forecast to be generated by the Council’s property portfolio (5.8) whilst cautioning that pressures within commercial sector be closely monitored.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure apprised Members that he expected the considerable cost burden from the Aspire Sports and Cultural Trust (5.12) to be short-term.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy expressed gratitude to the Housing Teams who continued to demonstrate great adaptability and bring forward solutions to issues largely outside of the authority’s control.  The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods commented that close partnership working at all levels and the successful pursuit of external grants had contributed to the £59k favourable to budget position of his own portfolio (5.1-3).  He advised that this approach would continue to build so as to benefit residents and help alleviate the challenges they face.  The Cabinet Member for Environment pointed to the positive position of the environment portfolio (5.16) and the work being undertaken by managers to reduce costs which he anticipated would bring future improvements.




              (1)               it is noted that the forecast year end position is currently for a decrease to the Council’s General Fund balance of £1,504k against a budgeted decrease of £104k


              (2)               the details of specific budgetary issues identified by officers and the actions being taken to address those issues is noted


              (3)               the current level of Capital expenditure as shown in Appendix 2 of the report is noted.



Non-Resident Burial Fees pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources proposing that non-residents’ fees be put in place for residents that are living outside of Gloucester City Council boundary to help prolong the space available for the residents of Gloucester.





(1)               non-residents’ fees are put in place to residents that are not living within the Gloucester City boundary


(2)              a non-resident fee will be charged if the person being buried (the deceased) wasn’t living in Gloucester when they died. This is on top of the Exclusive Right of Burial Fee meaning that people who don’t reside in Gloucester, but who want to be buried in Gloucester Cemeteries, will pay more than residents who do live in Gloucester City boundary. This will not apply to persons that have a pre purchased grave in Gloucester Cemeteries, a person who will be interred into a re-opened grave and a person who was once a resident of Gloucester City boundary but moved out of the boundary to reside in a nursing home, hospice, or something of a similar nature, the latter scenario to be entirely at the Council’s sole discretion.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that proposed that non-residents’ fees be put in place for residents living outside of Gloucester City Council boundary to help prolong the space available for the residents of Gloucester.


The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources made it clear that the proposed fees were in line with other cemeteries and would not apply to pre-purchased plots, re-opened graves or residents who have moved to hospices or nursing homes beyond the City boundary.  She reassured Members that although officers were seeking additional land for burials, there are multiple years-worth of space currently available.  The Cabinet Member for Environment commented on the importance of making the existing space last as long as possible for the benefit of everyone living in the City.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy informed Members she believed the proposals would make things fairer for residents.




(1)               non-residents’ fees are put in place to residents that are not living within the Gloucester City boundary


(2)              a non-resident fee will be charged if the person being buried (the deceased) wasn’t living in Gloucester when they died. This is on top of the Exclusive Right of Burial Fee meaning that people who don’t reside in Gloucester, but who want to be buried in Gloucester Cemeteries, will pay more than residents who do live in Gloucester City boundary. This will not apply to persons that have a pre purchased grave in Gloucester Cemeteries, a person who will be interred into a re-opened grave and a person who was once a resident of Gloucester City boundary but moved out of the boundary to reside in a nursing home, hospice, or something of a similar nature, the latter scenario to be entirely at the Council’s sole discretion.



Disposal of Herbert, Kimberley and Phillpotts Warehouses pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking to update Members on the progress for the disposal of the Herbert, Kimberley and Phillpotts warehouses in Gloucester Docks, and to authorise negotiations with a new purchaser.


Please note that Appendix 2 is exempt from disclosure to the press and public by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person including the authority holding that information). If Members wish to discuss Appendix 2 the Cabinet will need to resolve to exclude the press and public before doing so.


Additional documents:




(1)              the actions taken to date are noted


(2)              the Head of Finance & Resources (S151 Officer) is authorised to continue negotiations with the interested parties and, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, to accept an offer of an assignment of the existing leases or the grant of a new lease, which taking into account the opinion of external advisers is considered to represent best value consideration to the Council provided that:


a)         the consideration shall be payable in full upon the final assignment or grant of a new lease; and


b)         the transaction shall be an outright assignment or grant of lease at arms’ length, without any obligation for a continuing relationship with the Council other than as landlord


(3)              authority is delegated to the Head of Finance & Resources (S151 Officer)in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Policy & Resources and the Director, One Legal to take allnecessary steps and undertake necessary procedures including entering into any legal arrangements or other documentation as may be required to implement the disposal of these three warehouses.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought to update Members on the progress for the disposal of the Herbert, Kimberley and Phillpotts warehouses in Gloucester Docks, and to authorise negotiations with a new purchaser.


The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources summarised the report and the recommended preference for Developer C (7.0).  She advised Members of the negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic had had on the plans for conversion of the warehouse into a hotel (Cabinet 15th January 2020 Agenda Item 13).  The Cabinet Member for Environment informed Members that he was glad progress was being made in what had been a long process.




(1)              the actions taken to date are noted


(2)              the Head of Finance & Resources (S151 Officer) is authorised to continue negotiations with the interested parties and, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, to accept an offer of an assignment of the existing leases or the grant of a new lease, which taking into account the opinion of external advisers is considered to represent best value consideration to the Council provided that:


a)         the consideration shall be payable in full upon the final assignment or grant of a new lease; and


b)         the transaction shall be an outright assignment or grant of lease at arms’ length, without any obligation for a continuing relationship with the Council other than as landlord


(3)              authority is delegated to the Head of Finance & Resources (S151 Officer)in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Policy & Resources and the Director, One Legal to take allnecessary steps and undertake necessary procedures including entering into any legal arrangements or other documentation as may be required to implement the disposal of these three warehouses.