Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Sonia Tucker Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To appoint a Chair for the meeting.
Minutes: Councillor McLellan was appointed Chair for the meeting. |
Introductions and Procedures The Chair to arrange introductions and to explain the procedure to be followed for the meeting.
Minutes: Those present introduced themselves and the Chair outlined the procedure which would be followed. |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: No declarations were made on this occasion. |
To receive the report of the Corporate Director.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Authority
The Licensing and Enforcement Officer presented his report which detailed an application by Bar Fever (Gloucester) Limited to vary a Premises Licence in respect of 83-85 Eastgate Street, Gloucester.
He outlined the application and drew Members’ attention to the following:-
· the variation requested set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report;
· non-standard timings to licensable activities set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report;
· the representation made by Gloucestershire Constabulary attached as Appendix 4 to the report;
· supporting information supplied by Gloucestershire Constabulary which had been circulated;
· the Special Policy in respect of Eastgate Street and the surrounding area detailed at Page 40 of the agenda pack.
There were no questions of the Officer.
The Applicant
Andrew Woods, Solicitor for the Applicant, advised that the Applicant was seeking to vary the existing licence to permit an extra hour of alcohol sales on Friday and Saturdays.
He advised Members that the premises had recently received Best Bar None Accreditation and had been assessed by PC Mansfield.
He stated that the Applicant had an excellent relationship with the Police and was very much aware of the Special policy applicable to the Eastgate Street area.
He noted that the Police representation referred to the requested variation as “relatively minor”. He believed that it was minor and could not and would not add to Crime and Disorder as venue capacity was fixed, the same number of people or fewer would remain on the premises. By remaining open until 04.00 there would be a more gradual dispersal of patrons.
He referred to the Police reference to a “knock-on effect” but he noted that Members were required to determine each application on its merits so the outcome of this application would have no bearing on other applications.
He referred to the comparative schedule of premises, capacity and closing times circulated by the Police and noted that should members be minded to grant the application, Fever would still not be the latest premises to close as Liquid could sell alcohol until 04.30 and closed at 05.00. The variation applied for would separate Fever from the dispersal of patrons from other premises.
He believed that Police resources were not a valid ground to refuse the application and he noted that the Police had indicated that extended hours would be acceptable on up to twelve occasions in one year providing seven days notice was given to them.
He asked that in the event of the Sub-Committee being minded to refuse the application as submitted that consideration be given to granting this, although if the twelve nights would not add to Crime and Disorder he questioned how any other nights could do so. He asked Members to take this into account in their deliberations.
He stated that Fever catered for an older crowd many of whom had asked to stay later and the Applicant would like to be able to keep them for a further hour which would also aid gradual dispersal at closing time.
The Applicant ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |