Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: 29.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2020.
Minutes: 30.1 The Chair signed the minutes of the meeting which took place on Monday 20th, January 2020 as a correct record. |
Public Question Time (15 minutes) To receive any questions from members of the public provided that a question does not relate to:
· Matters which are the subject of current or pending legal proceedings, or · Matters relating to employees or former employees of the Council or comments in respect of individual Council Officers Minutes: 31.1 There were no public questions. |
Petitions and Deputations (15 minutes) To receive any petitions and deputations provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:
· Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or · Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings Minutes: 32.1 There were no petitions or deputations. |
Minutes: 33.1 The Head of Place outlined the actions taken in relation to key recommendations made in the Gloucestershire Building Control Partnership Internal Audit report and responded to questions.
33.2 RESOLVED that:- The Audit and Governance Committee NOTE the report.
Treasury Management Strategy PDF 362 KB To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking to formally recommend that Council approves the Treasury Management Strategy, the prudential indicators and note the Treasury activities. Minutes: 34.1 The Head of Policy & Resources outlined the report formally recommending that Council approves the Treasury Management Strategy, the prudential indicators and note the Treasury activities.
34.2 Councillor Declan Wilson stated that he believed that the ‘strategy was correct’.
34.3 RESOLVED that:- The Audit and Governance Committee RECOMMEND to Council that the Treasury Management Strategy be approved.
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking Members to formally recommend that Council approves the Capital Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: 35.1 The Head of Policy and Resources outlined a report formally recommending that the Council approves the Capital Strategy.
35.2 Councillor Declan Wilson pointed to page 62/63 of the agenda, that outlined the Council’s planned capital expenditure for 2020/2021. He stated that it was a useful ‘crib sheet’ outlining the main capital projects planned for the upcoming year.
35.3 Councillor Wilson asked for clarity on which projects would be considered by the Capital Projects Steering Group and which would be considered by the Property Investment Board.
35.4 The Head of Policy and Resources replied that it depended on whether it was a general capital project or a strategic property investment proposal.
35.5 The Chair congratulated the Asset Management team and other officers for recent acquisitions.
35.6 RESOLVED that:- The Audit and Governance Committee RECOMMEND to Council that the Capital Strategy be approved.
Annual Risk Management Report 2019/20 PDF 115 KB To consider the report of the Head of Audit Risk Assurance providing Members with an update on the Council’s risk management activities from 2018/19. Additional documents: Minutes: 36.1 The ARA Group Manager outlined the report providing members with an update on the Council’s risk management activities from 2019/20. The ARA Group Manager noted that the report confirmed risk management actions completed in 19/20 and the risk management action plan for 20/21.
36.2 RESOLVED that: - The risk management arrangements in place for the past year (2019/20); and the planned risk management arrangements for 2020/21 be noted and endorsed.
Internal Audit Activity 2019/20 - progress report. PDF 113 KB To consider the report of the Head of Audit Risk Assurance updating Members of the Internal Audit activity progress in relation to the approved Internal Audit Plan 2019/20. Additional documents:
Minutes: 37.1 The ARA Group Manager outlined the report informing Members of the Internal Audit activity progress in relation to the approved Internal Audit Plan 2019/20.
37.2 The ARA Group Manager noted that of the 4 cases of fraud/irregularity received for investigation, 3 are now closed and 1 is ongoing. Once concluded, an update on the ongoing case would be reported to the Audit and Governance Committee.
37.3 Councillor Wilson asked whether IT disaster recovery capability should be a higher priority. The Head of Policy and Resources responded that some IT Hardware was still at HKP, which was why Disaster Recover Plans had not been tested. He added that once all hardware had moved, they would test Disaster Recovery Plans.
37.3 Councillor Wilson was given assurance by the Head of Policy and Resources that the 73 invoices unpaid for over 24 months (income from events) was not historically high when compared with previous years.
37.4 Councillor Wilson asked whether the City Council employed a credit control officer. The Head and Policy and Resources responded that there are 2 officers within Civica.
37.5 Councillor Lugg asked whether the £100,000 income estimated for room hire was based on previous years earnings. The Head of Policy and Resources replied that it was the budget expectation.
37.6 The Chair was informed that the evolving situation with Marketing Gloucester was unlikely to add to the Council’s debt, but that the matter was not yet closed.
37.7 RESOLVED that: - The Audit and Governance Committee (1) accept the progress against the Internal Audit Plan 2019/20. (2) Accept the assurance opinions provided in relation to the effectiveness of the Council’s control environment comprising risk management, control and governance arrangements.(3) Recommend that the Committee requests senior management attendance at the next meeting to provide an update on the actions taken in relation to the recommendations made in the IT Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity and the Guildhall and Blackfriars Priory – Income received from events limited assurance reports.
Internal Audit Plan 2020-21 PDF 110 KB To consider the report of the Head of Audit Risk Assurance providing the Committee with a summary of the proposed Risk Based Internal Audit Plan 2018/2019 as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS) 2017. Additional documents: Minutes: 38.1 The ARA Group Manager outlined the report summarising the proposed Risk Based Internal Audit Plan 2020/2021.
38.2 The ARA Group Manager noted that the plan covered a breadth of areas. She concluded by stating that the report was a draft plan based on 550 audit days, which was in line with the 19/20 Plan.
38.3 RESOLVED that: - The Internal Audit Plan for 2020/2021 reflects the risk profile of the Council; and that the Internal Audit Plan for 2020/2021 be approved.
Strategic Risk Register PDF 135 KB To consider the report of the Head of Audit, Risk and Assurance. Additional documents: Minutes: 39.1 The ARA Group Manager presented the Strategic Risk Register as of 25th February 2020 to Members for their awareness and consideration. She noted that SMT own the Strategic Risk Register and manage it as a live document on the Pentana performance management and risk management system. The ARA Group Manager confirmed that SMT formally review the document as a group on a quarterly basis and that presentation to Members (Audit and Governance and Cabinet) occurs twice a year.
39.2 Councillor Lugg asked whether the ‘Adverse public and media relations’ risk had changed in relation to revelations surrounding Marketing Gloucester. The Corporate Director replied that the purpose of the report was to ensure that risk was managed in the best possible way.
39.3 The Chair asked whether the Corporate Director could outline the effects COVID-19 may have on the Council. The Corporate Director responded that it could not yet be fully quantified and that plans were being developed with AMEY and other partners and contractors.
39.4 Councillor Lugg asked whether the council had a list of employees who were at a higher risk in the case that COVID-19 spread. The Corporate Director replied that he would follow this query up and contact members.
39.5 RESOLVED that:- The Strategic Risk Register be noted and endorsed.
Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee PDF 79 KB To consider the Chair’s annual report. Additional documents: Minutes: 40.1 The ARA Group Manager outlined the report, which confirmed the activities of the Audit and Governance Committee for 2019/20 and the plans for 2020/2021.
40.2 The Chair thanked officers for their hard work.
40.3 RESOLVED that: - The Council is recommended to approve the Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2019/20
Audit and Governance Committee Work Programme PDF 44 KB To consider the Work Programme. Minutes: RESOLVED that: - 41.1 The work programme be noted. |
Date of Next Meeting 20th July 2020 at 6.30pm in the Civic Suite, North Warehouse. Minutes: Monday 20th July, 2020 at 6:30pm. |