Agenda item
Draft City Plan
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning seeking approval to publish the Draft Gloucester City Plan for a six-week period of public consultation.
45.1 Council considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning seeking approval to publish the Draft Gloucester City Plan for a six week period of public consultation.
45.2 Councillor Organ moved the recommendations set out in the report. He reported that the document outlined a detailed vision for development within the City and thanked officers for their hard work and effort in this regard.
45.3 Councillor James seconded the motion.
45.4 Councillor Hilton, seconded by Councillor Wilson, proposed the following amendment to the report:
“The figure for the number dwellings on the site (page 114) be changed to 20 dwellings to be consistent with the figure given on page 108 of 20 units. That 20 dwellings be the number units on the Civil Service Club ground that the council consults on in the City Plan.”
45.5 Councillor Organ accepted the amendment.
45.6 Councillor Haigh echoed her thanks to Officers, commenting that development around Bristol Road and nearby Canal were not specifically mentioned in the document. She expressed hope that constructive talks would be held with developers of this area to prevent piecemeal development. Referring to local plans, she welcomed officer support for local communities in developing a viable neighbourhood plan.
45.7 Councillor Hyman welcomed developments within the Westgate ward referred to in the plan.
45.8 Councillor Haigh stressed the continued importance of the JCS to deliver the City’s housing needs.
45.9 Councillor Hilton advised that the Liberal Democrat group would respond to consultation with detailed comments in writing but were concerned in particular with encouraging energy efficient and eco-friendly buildings, developing purpose built student accommodation in suitable areas of the City to protect the loss of family homes and adopting policies on home fire protection.
45.10 Councillor D. Brown thanked officers in developing the documents within a timely manner and welcomed responses from the public consultation.
45.11 Councillor James referring to Councillor Haigh’s comments on developments on Bristol Road advised that discussions were currently taking place with a local partner. Referring to retail shortage, referenced in the report, he commented that further retail space could be provided through the Kings Quarter Development, noting the changing nature of retail.
1. That the Draft Gloucester City Plan be approved for the purposes of a six-week period of public consultation, subject to the figure for the number dwellings on the site (page 114) be changed to 20 dwellings to be consistent with the figure given on page 108 of 20 units. That 20 dwellings be the number units on the Civil Service Club ground that the council consults on in the City Plan.
2. That the representations made to the City Plan Part 1 during the public consultation period be noted ; and
3. That the resulting officer responses set out within the response schedule be endorsed.
4. That authority be delegated to the Managing Director of the Council in consultation with the relevant Leaders of the Council to make minor changes to the draft City Plan and Proposals Map in terms of formatting, presentation and accuracy, including any minor changes following the considerations at Planning Policy Sub-committee and Council, prior to publication for public consultation purposes.
Supporting documents:
Draft Gloucester City Plan – Public Consultation (Report), item 45.
PDF 169 KB
Draft Gloucester City Plan – Public Consultation (Appendix 1), item 45.
Draft Gloucester City Plan – Public Consultation (Appendix 2), item 45.
PDF 476 KB
Draft Gloucester City Plan – Public Consultation (Appendix 3), item 45.
PDF 135 KB
Draft Gloucester City Plan – Public Consultation (Appendix 4), item 45.
PDF 167 KB
Appendix 1a, item 45.
Appendix 1b, item 45.
Appendix 1c, item 45.