Agenda item
Amendments to the Constitution
To consider the report of the Chair of the General Purposes Committee concerning amendments to the Constitution.
46.1 Council considered the report of the Chair of the General Purposes Committee concerning amendments to the Constitution.
46.2 Councillor Morgan moved the recommendations set out in the report reporting that they had been met with widespread approval.
46.3 Councillor H. Norman seconded the motion.
46.4 Councillor Haigh, seconded by Councillor Coole, proposed the following amendment to Appendix 2 of the report:
“That the proposed amendment to the Planning Committee’s delegation in respect of Applications submitted by a serving Member or Officer of the Council be withdrawn and the existing wording remain.”
46.5 Councillor Morgan expressed concern that this had not been discussed at the General Purposes Committee at their meeting on the 18th November. He requested a short adjournment to consider the implications of accepting this amendment.
46.6 The Mayor agreed to a short adjournment.
46.7 Following a short adjournment Councillor Haigh withdrew her original amendment and proposed a new amendment, seconded by Councillor Coole, as follows:
The proposed amendment referred to in appendix 2 of the report:
“That the proposed amendment to the Planning Committees delegation in respect of applications submitted by a serving Member or Officer of the Council be referred back to General Purposes Committee for consideration.
46.8 Councillor Morgan accepted the amendment.
1. Authority ‘To determine all future matters regarding the making of Local Development Orders’ be inserted in to the functions of the Planning Committee (Part 3C Table 2 of the Constitution).
2. The amendments to the functions of the Planning Committee (Part 3C Table 2 of the Constitution), including Option A in respect of Class A2(c) changes of use be amended as set out in Appendix 2, with the exception of the proposed amendment to Applications submitted by serving Member of Officer of the Council, which be referred back to the General Purposes Committee for consideration.
3. The Council Procedure Rules be amended, as set out in Appendix 3, to permit Members to ask questions at Cabinet meetings.
4. The revised Audit and Governance Committee Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 4 be approved.
5. The Council Procedure Rules be amended, as set out in Appendix 3, to permit Members to ask questions at Cabinet meetings.
6. The revised Audit and Governance Committee Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 4 be approved.
Supporting documents:
Amendments to the Constitution (Report), item 46.
PDF 109 KB
Amendments to the Constitution (Appendix 1), item 46.
Amendments to the Constitution (Appendix 2), item 46.
PDF 101 KB
Amendments to the Constitution (Appendix 3), item 46.
Amendments to the Constitution (Appendix 4), item 46.
PDF 129 KB
Amendments to the Constitution (Appendix 5), item 46.