Agenda item
Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources concerning the Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19, the prudential indicators and Treasury activities.
9.1 No Members had indicated that they wished to discuss this item.
9.2 RESOLVED that: -
(1) The Treasury Management Strategy at Appendix 1 be approved;
(2) The authorised borrowing limit be approved at:-
a) 2018/19 £120m
b) 2019/20 £180m
c) 2020/21 £180m
(3) The prudential indicators set out in section two of the strategy be approved.
Supporting documents:
- Treasury Management Strategy 201819 (Report), item 9. PDF 120 KB
- Treasury Management Strategy 201819 (Appendix 1), item 9. PDF 573 KB