Agenda item
Shop Fronts, Shutters and Signage - Design Guidelines for Gloucester
To consider the report of the Head of Planning which informs Members on the outcome of the Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage – Design Guidelines for Gloucester consultation undertaken for a 6 week period from the 21st November 2016 to 16th January 2017.
43.1 Council considered the report of the Head of Planning which sought a resolution to adopt the Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage – Design Guidelines for Gloucester as a Supplementary Planning Document to be used in the planning process.
43.2 Councillor Organ noted that the document had been the subject of two rounds of consultation and had been sent to Canterbury City Council by English Heritage as an exemplar of good practice.
43.3 Councillor Pullen stated that he had been impressed by the renovated shopfronts in the City. He noted the comments of the manager of King’s Walk Shopping Centre who believed that the Council would have to take a realistic approach to shutters.
43.4 Councillor Organ thanked Councillors for their support.
43.5 RESOLVED that the Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage – Design Guidelines for Gloucester be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document to be used in the planning process.
Supporting documents:
report for Shopfronts shutters and signage guidelines June 2017..._, item 43.
PDF 200 KB
Appendix 2 Shopfront public responses and officer comments, item 43.
Appendix 3 Electronic Form for Shopfronts consultation, item 43.
PDF 132 KB
Shopfront Shutters and Signage Design Guide June 2017, item 43.