Agenda item
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committee
e) Head of Paid Service
40.1 The Mayor announced that former Mayor and Sheriff Roger Langston had recently passed away.
40.2 He reminded Members that tickets for an Evening of Christmas Music on Thursday 21st December at Ivor Gurney Hall were still available at £10 each. Proceeds would go the Civic Charity, Footsteps Counselling and Care.
40.3 He drew Members’ attention to the bidding sheets that had been circulated for a silent auction of signed books in aid of Civic Charities and stated that he would be delighted to receive completed forms at the end of the meeting.
40.4 He advised Councillors that an event had been held at Walls Club to mark Councillor James’s ten years as Leader of the Council and Councillor Tracey’s twenty five years’ service as a Councillor. He presented Councillor Tracey with a gift to mark the occasion. Councillor Tracey expressed her thanks for the gift stating that her service was a wonderful experience and Council work had become her life.
Leader of the Council
40.5 Councillor James announced that the outcome of the Local Government Association Peer Challenge had been generally positive and when the full report was available it would be published on the Council’s website. He thanked everyone who had taken part in the review.
Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources
40.6 Councillor D. Norman announced that following his attendance at a Local Government Association briefing on future local government finance a number of second tier urban authorities had written to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, prior to the Autumn Statement, stating that they were being disproportionately penalised. He would keep the Member of Parliament informed of developments.
Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
40.7 Councillor Noakes announced that the Tree of Light would be inaugurated at on Saturday 25th November. She suggested that Councillors may wish to attend between 4.00pm and 4.30pm when entertainment would be provided. She had a supply of white ribbons for Members who wished to place one on the tree and advised that £7,000 had been raised for local charities last year.