Agenda item
Notices of Motion
- Meeting of Annual Council, Council, Monday, 21st May 2018 3.00 pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
“This council notes that both 67 and 69 London Road, former offices, have been empty for a number of years and that these buildings are continuing to deteriorate.
They have become an eyesore on London Road, which is a conservation area and also one of the main routes into the city centre.
This council also notes that the combined site is listed in the draft city plan as being suitable for residential development.
This council, therefore, asks the leader to use city council resources to acquire 67 and 69 London Road for a residential regeneration project.
This council also agrees that the city council should use compulsory purchase powers to acquire the site if reasonable purchase terms cannot be agreed by negotiation with the current landowner.”
(1) Notice of Motion from the Liberal Democrat Group
9.1 Proposed by Councillor Hilton, seconded by Councillor Brazil that:
“This council notes that both 67 and 69 London Road, former offices, have been empty for a number of years and that these buildings are continuing to deteriorate.
They have become an eyesore on London Road, which is a conservation area and also one of the main routes into the city centre.
This council also notes that the combined site is listed in the draft city plan as being suitable for residential development.
This council, therefore, asks the leader to use city council resources to acquire 67 and 69 London Road for a residential regeneration project.
This council also agrees that the city council should use compulsory purchase powers to acquire the site if reasonable purchase terms cannot be agreed by negotiation with the current landowner.”
9.2 Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Organ, proposed the following amendment:
“This council notes that both 67 and 69 London Road, former offices, have been empty for a number of years and that these buildings are continuing to deteriorate.
They have become an eyesore on London Road, which is a conservation area and also one of the main routes into the city centre.
This council also notes that the combined site is listed in the draft city plan as being suitable for residential development.
council, therefore, asks the leader to consider
use city council resources to acquire acquiring 67 and 69 London Road, either alone or
by working with partners, for a residential regeneration
This council also agrees that the city council should take advice on the use of compulsory purchase powers to acquire the site if reasonable purchase terms cannot be agreed by negotiation with the current landowner.”
9.3 Councillor Hilton indicated that he would accept the amendment which became the substantive motion and when put to the vote was carried.
9.4 RESOLVED – That
“This council notes that both 67 and 69 London Road, former offices, have been empty for a number of years and that these buildings are continuing to deteriorate.
They have become an eyesore on London Road, which is a conservation area and also one of the main routes into the city centre.
This council also notes that the combined site is listed in the draft city plan as being suitable for residential development.
This council, therefore, asks the leader to consider acquiring 67 and 69 London Road, either alone or by working with partners, for a residential regeneration project.
This council also agrees that the city council should take advice on the use of compulsory purchase powers to acquire the site if reasonable purchase terms cannot be agreed by negotiation with the current landowner.”