Agenda item
Public Space Protection Order
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods updating Members on the feedback received from the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) public consultation, and seeking approval on a revised PSPO and future work, having regard to that feedback.
(1) The results of the PSPO consultation be noted;
(2) To note that previous delegation, provided by Cabinet to the Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, for the authorisation of Public Space Protection Orders remains in place for all future PSPO proposals.
(3) Delegated authority remains as above to implement the recommended Public Space Protection Orders contained in this report and drafted in Appendix 3 of the report, those being:
a) PSPO for Gloucester City relating to dog and alcohol nuisance provisions
b) PSPO to supersede the Gating Order for Organs Alley
c) PSPO to implement an Alcohol Free Zone for Gloucester City centre Taking in to account the views of Overview and Scrutiny and Council.
(4) The PSPO creating an alcohol free zone for the City Centre/BID area is implemented at a future date, following further consultation with partner agencies.
(5) Further consultation be undertaken in Barton and Tredworth to explore the appropriateness of implementing PSPO(s) there, following requests from residents, partner agencies and ward councillors.
(6) Gating Orders that are currently in place are scheduled for individual reviews, with all being completed by the end of 2019.
(7) A review and update of the Safe & Attractive Streets Policy and PSPO guidance takes place.
(8) A Memorandum of Understanding is drawn up for both the night time and day time economies, between partner agencies who work within the City Centre and a “DaySafe” type meeting, to mirror NightSafe, is established.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods summarised the background to the report, thanked those people who contributed, and reminded Members that PSPOs were to be seen in the context of a whole range of measures developed in collaboration between agencies and communities to address issues and support the people affected. She further emphasised the importance of the PSPO review element that allows concerns to be raised, evidence gathered and solutions to be developed over time.
(1) The results of the PSPO consultation be noted;
(2) To note that previous delegation, provided by Cabinet to the Head of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods, for the authorisation of Public Space Protection Orders remains in place for all future PSPO proposals.
(3) Delegated authority remains as above to implement the recommended Public Space Protection Orders contained in this report and drafted in Appendix 3 of the report, those being:
a) PSPO for Gloucester City relating to dog and alcohol nuisance provisions
b) PSPO to supersede the Gating Order for Organs Alley
c) PSPO to implement an Alcohol Free Zone for Gloucester City centre Taking in to account the views of Overview and Scrutiny and Council.
(4) The PSPO creating an alcohol free zone for the City Centre/BID area is implemented at a future date, following further consultation with partner agencies.
(5) Further consultation be undertaken in Barton and Tredworth to explore the appropriateness of implementing PSPO(s) there, following requests from residents, partner agencies and ward councillors.
(6) Gating Orders that are currently in place are scheduled for individual reviews, with all being completed by the end of 2019.
(7) A review and update of the Safe & Attractive Streets Policy and PSPO guidance takes place.
(8) A Memorandum of Understanding is drawn up for both the night time and day time economies, between partner agencies who work within the City Centre and a “DaySafe” type meeting, to mirror NightSafe, is established.
Supporting documents:
Public Spaces Protection Order Report, item 20.
PDF 178 KB
Appendix 1 Consultation Survey Result and Feedback, item 20.
Appendix 2 PSPO Options Appraisal, item 20.
Appendix 3 Draft PSPOs, item 20.
PDF 942 KB
Appendix 4 Equality Impact Assessment, item 20.
PDF 123 KB
Appendix 5 Safe and Attractive Streets Policy, item 20.
PDF 216 KB
Appendix 6 Existing Provisions, item 20.
Item 76 PSPO Consultation , 02/07/2018 Overview and Scrutiny Committee, item 20.
PDF 139 KB