Agenda item
Announcements (10 Minutes)
- Meeting of Council, Thursday, 27th September 2018 6.30 pm (Item 27.)
- View the background to item 27.
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
27.1 The Mayor informed Members that she had completed all 71 stages of the Beat the Street challenged and thanked Councillor James and Council D. Brown for completing the final seven stages with her. She further thanked the Sheriff and Deputy Mayor for welcoming her to his ward on her journey.
27.2 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Laura Brooker on her recent marriage and wished her and Mr. Brooker many happy years together.
27.3 The Mayor announced that the Mayor’s Children’s Party would be held on Saturday 15th December at Ribston Hall High School.
27.4 The Mayor also reminded Members of the upcoming Special Council Meeting which would take place on Thursday 25th October 2018.
27.5 The Sheriff informed Members that £878.78 had been raised for the James Hopkins Trust at the Assize of Ale event. He thanked all those involved in the event and advised that there would be further fundraising activities for the charity which provides care and support for Gloucestershire’s life limited and life threatened children.
Leader of the Council
27.6 The Leader of the Council, Councillor James, announced the appointment of Councillor Hannah Norman to the post of Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources following the departure of Councillor David Norman MBE to take up a post in the Cabinet at Gloucestershire County Council. He congratulated Councillor H. Norman on her appointment and expressed his thanks to Councillor D. Norman for his service to the Council during his tenure.
27.7 The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, Councillor H. Norman, announced that the new Council website would be live from 17.30hrs on Friday 28th September 2018. She further informed Members that the Council’s closure of reception on the last Wednesday of the month in order for staff training to take place would cease after the October training day. She advised that this was always under review and the option would be there to arrange further training days where necessary.
Chairs of Committees
27.8 The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Coole, informed Members that a number of Officers and Members had completed the recent survey on the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. He report that, on a scale of 1 to 5 (which 1 being not at all effective and 5 being extremely effective), the average result was 3.5. He stated that this was positive and there was still room to improve. He further announced that the next meeting of the Committee would take place on Monday 1st October 2018 at 6.30pm and that all Members were welcome.
27.9 Councillor Gravells, in highlighting the work of the Audit and Governance Committee, thanked the Head of Policy and Resources and the Finance team for all their endeavour throughout the year including the preparation of accounts and the Annual Report of the Committee.