Agenda item
Petitions and Deputations (15 Minutes)
A period not exceeding three minutes is allowed for the presentation of a petition or deputation provided that no such petition or deputation is in relation to:
· Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or
· Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings
39.1 The following petition, signed by 95 people, was presented by a group of Gloucester residents:
Save Greyfriars Bowling Green
We the “Friends of Greyfriars Bowling Green” are adamant that we need to protect this area.
If you want to support the retention of the space and be kept informed as to progress please sign out petition.
Why is this important?
If you have ever walked along Constitution Walk, behind the Gloucester City Museum and Library, you will have passed a mostly neglected area of public space consisting of a bowling green, redundant bowling club building and a sealed off public garden. With what appears to be a complete lack of vision the City Council is considering the sale of the space to developers, a space which has great potential to become a quiet, calming community garden right in the heart of the City Centre.
Our view is that the garden also provides space for small community events such as mini markets, art and literature events, children activities, outdoor theatre, community picnics and mini sports events.
In the past it has been used by the community to deliver numerous events: a book fair, a children’s summer play zone, an archaeology event featuring Phil Harding from ‘Time Team’, camp for Civil War re-enactors, a theatre and poetry day etc.
39.2 A member of the Friends of Greyfriars Bowling Green stated that Constitution Walk was in a neglected area and residents wished the bowling green to be protected and retained as public open space. There were many possible community uses for the green space which was currently leased to Young Gloucestershire. He noted that a report had been prepared on the refurbishment of Eastgate Market which suggested the development of the bowling green and Aviation Gardens to raise a capital receipt. He asked the Council to keep an open mind and stated that the Friends of Greyfriars Bowling Green would be prepared to talk to Councillors.
39.3 Councillor James referred to the motion tabled later on the agenda which addressed this matter and he stated that he wished that it be looked as part of the overall plans for the area.