Agenda item
Announcements (10 Minutes)
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
40.1 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Derbyshire on her recent marriage.
40.2 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Coole on being named Young Councillor of the Year at the Local Government Association (LGA) Councillor Awards.
40.3 The Mayor reported the sad news that former Councillor Brian Crawford, of Tuffley Ward, has passed away. She advised that funeral details would be circulated when available.
40.4 The Mayor reminded Members that the annual Children’s Christmas Party would take place on 15th December at Ribston Hall. Any offers of help from Councillors would be most welcome.
40.5 Sebastian and Vicki Field have organised a charity concert to be held on Tuesday, 11th December at St John’s, Northgate at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. There is no fixed charge but donations will be welcome.
Cabinet Members
40.5 Councillor Watkins announced that 151 staff (68 per cent) and 11 Councillors (28 per cent) had attended training and signed up as Dementia Friends. She advised that further training sessions would be held on 7th December and 13th January and she encouraged all Members to attend one of these sessions.
40.6 Councillor Watkins advised Members that Lloyd Griffiths, Head of Communities would be shortly by leaving the Council for a new post at Worcester City Council. She thanked Mr Griffiths for his hard work for the Council over a number of years and wished him well in his new role.
Chairs of Committees
40.7 Councillor Coole reminded Members that the annual Budget Overview and Scrutiny Committee would take place on 26 November 2018 and encouraged all Members to attend.