Agenda item

37-39 Worcester Street - 18/01395/FUL and 18/01397/LBC

Application for determination:-


Demolition of a single storey building. Erection of a new four storey building incorporating an existing Grade 2 listed structure and accommodating nineteen one-bedroom apartments and five two-bedroom apartments at 37-39 Worcester Street.



Councillor Toleman declared a personal interest in this application and he retired to the gallery taking no part in the consideration of this application.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for the demolition of a single storey building. Erection of a new four storey building incorporating a Grade 2 listed structure and accommodating nineteen one-bedroom apartments and five two-bedroom apartments at 37-39 Worcester Street.


He amended the application reference number for the Listed Building application to 18/01397/LBC. He drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained:-


·         Details of revised drawings

·         An update from the Lead Local Flood Authority and the Drainage Advisor

·         A revised Officer’s recommendation.


Mr Dudley Taylor, the operator of Fad and Faded, addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.


He raised the following issues:-


·         Obstructing light to first floor windows

·         Large lorries would only be able to offload by blocking the rear access to his premises also causing a public safety issue.

·         Parking after construction works completed

·         Lack of parking will kill the vibrancy of the City.


A Member asked why applications were being granted without any provision of parking and could underground parking be provided. He was advised that the location was considered to be sustainable close to the City centre and bus routes in accordance with guidance. The Officer also noted that archaeological considerations would prevent underground parking. The Member noted that parking could be provided at ground floor level.


The Vice-Chair questioned the light blocking and was advised that there was a gap of 1.8-2.0 metres between the buildings and when the officer had visited the site the first floor widows of the adjoining premises were blocked by goods inside.


The Vice-Chair had some sympathy with the garage operators but noted that was a commercial decision by the landlords. He was pleased that the remains of Tanners Hall would be protected and that a lower height had been achieved for the development.


The Chair noted that the potential for loss of light had to be balanced against the benefits of protecting Tanners Hall, the provision of more dwellings and the tidying of the area.


The Chair moved, and the Vice-Chair seconded that the application be determined in accordance with the revised Officer’s recommendation as set out in the late material.






1)    That Planning Permission be GRANTED for Application Reference 18/01395/FUL subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 7.3 of the Committee report, revised element of condition 2 as below and the additional drainage condition below.       


Section 7.3 and 7.4

In the light of the revised elevations .Plans Condition 2 on both applications 18/01395/FUL and 18/01397/LBC to now read :-


Elevations As Proposed – Dwg.No.21838/13C    


Section 7.3




Condition 25

The development shall not be occupied until a SuDs management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development, which shall include the arrangements for adoption by any public authority or statutory undertaker and any other arrangements to secure the operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority .The approved SuDs maintenance plan shall be implemented and retained  in full accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.



To ensure the continued operation and maintenance of drainage features serving the site, to avoid flooding and to accord with policy INF2 of the Joint Core Strategy    


2)    Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 7.4 of the report with condition 2 amended as set out above.








Supporting documents: