Agenda item
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
The Mayor
73.1 The Mayor advised that she was touched by the number of Gloucester people who came out to show unity and support in response to the shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. She had sent a letter to the Mayor of Christchurch on behalf of Gloucester offering sympathies and condolences to the families of the individuals who lost their lives. She stated that her thoughts and prayers go out to them as well as members of the emergency services.
73.2 The Mayor also remembered the people who had lost their homes in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi due to the recent flooding. Her thoughts and prayers went out to them.
73.3 The Mayor and Sheriff thanked fellow Councillors who had attended the recent Civic Service. She had passed on the thanks of the Council to the Catholic Polish Children’s Choir and the Barnwood Park Glee Club who had provided fantastic musical performances.
73.4 The Mayor stated that those Councillors who had been following Jamie McDonald, “Adventureman”, would be aware that he would be finishing his 210th Marathon across America in Gloucester, Massachusetts on Wednesday, 27th March. She would be recording a message of congratulation on behalf of the City of Gloucester to be played to him upon his completion and she hoped Councillors would join her in congratulating him. She noted that the adventure would not finish there as Jamie was going to attempt to set a World Record for the greatest distance covered on a treadmill and would start on Monday, 29th April at midday at Merchant Road, Gloucester Quays.
The Leader of the Council
73.5 The Leader of the Council advised that as part of the Discover De Crypt initiative an open day would be held at St Mary de Crypt Church on Saturday 23rd March. The project had been supported by the Prince’s Trust and the Council.
Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods
73.6 Councillor Watkins advised that together with her daughter Ruby she would be undertaking a Charity Sleep-over on Friday 22nd March and she had sponsorship forms available should colleagues wish to support her.
Cabinet Member for Housing Strategy and Planning
73.7 Councillor Organ advised that the City Council was working with other Gloucestershire authorities and Gloucester First LEP to produce a Statement of Common Ground which would provide and broad vision for the County and assist with co-ordination between districts and with the duty of co-operation. He stated that the initiative had been approved by the Planning Policy Members’ Working Group and the Cabinet and would be presented to Members for approval in due course. He urged all Members to support the initiative.
Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
73.8 Councillor Coole advised that Councillors had until 29th April to suggest new topics for task and finish groups.