Agenda item

Constitutional Changes

To consider the report of the Head of Paid Service proposing a number of changes to the Council’s Constitution to address issues or reflect reviews in relation to contract rules, the Councillor Code of Conduct, Employee Code of Conduct and Councillor/Officer protocol, petitions and procedures for dealing with the budget debate at Council.


62.1    The Chair of the General Purposes Committee, Councillor Williams, moved and Councillor Taylor the motion.


62.2    Councillor Williams informed Members that the proposed constitutional changes had been discussed by the General Purposes Committee, the Audit and Governance Committee and with the Trade Unions.


62.3    Councillor Haigh moved and Councillor Stephens seconded an amendment that the proposed amendment to para. 23.01 be removed so as to remove the requirement that a Member leave the chamber should they disclose a disposable pecuniary interest. The amendment was accepted.


62.4    Councillor Stephens requested that the length of speeches for budget amendments be altered to state five minutes rather than three minutes as agreed by the General Purposes Committee.


62.4    RESOLVED that :- Council adopt the proposed changes to the Constitution save for removing the proposed amendment to para. 23.01 that would require a Member leave the chamber should they disclose a disposable pecuniary interest and that speeches for budget amendments be five minutes.

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