Agenda item

Call Over

(a)       Call over (items 9-13) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for discussion.


(b)       To approve the recommendations of those reports which have not been reserved for discussion.


12.1    The Mayor invited Members to indicate whether they wished to

reserve agenda items 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 for discussion. Members

indicated that they wished to reserve items 9 and 11 for discussion.


12.2    Councillor Cook (Leader of the Council) moved and Councillor H Norman (Deputy Leader of the Council) seconded that the Governance Arrangements for the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee, the Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee 2019-20 and the Appointments to Committees be approved.


12.3    RESOLVED that: - Governance Arrangements for the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee be approved.


12.4    RESOLVED that: - The Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee 2019-20 be approved.


12.5    RESOLVED that: - Appointments to Committees be approved.