Agenda item

Written Questions to Cabinet Members

Written questions and answers.  Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.


23.1    In respect of question 10, Councillor Ryall asked of the Cabinet Member for Resources on what basis would it be determined whether the use of the Gloucester Old Boys RFC was or was not causing issues. Councillor H. Norman advised that she would speak with the asset management team to find out what criteria would be applied and that ward councillors’ input would be useful.


23.2    With regard to the questions regarding allotments (11,12 and 13), Councillor Field asked what measures were being considered to increase future supply of allotments. Councillor Cook replied that the opportunity to extend provision at Netheridge Farm was being considered. It was unclear how many could be accommodated but discussions were ongoing.


23.3    Councillor Field asked, in respect of mitigating climate change as referred to in question 14, whether, instead of the Prime Minister’s call for the country to, ‘Build, Build, Build’ as a central theme of the Covid recovery, it would be preferable to, ‘Plant, Plant, Plant.’ Councillor Cook noted the upcoming distribution of 300 for each Member to plant in their ward. He encouraged Members to start planting the trees as soon as possible,


23.4    With regard to question 21, Councillor Field expressed concern that some who were using the City’s parks were not taking hygiene precautions and asked if there was anything that could be done to encourage precautions to be taken. Councillor Cook noted that there were signs advising such in play areas and social media was being deployed to encourage this. He further noted that residents did need to take personal responsibility to protect them and others from the spread of Covid.


23.5    In relation to question 24, Councillor Hilton clarified that he was the nominated substitute for Councillor Bowkett on the Economic Recovery Task Force.



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