Agenda item
Constitutional Changes
To consider the report of the Head of Paid Service concerning a number of proposed changes to the council’s Constitution.
59.1 Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Lewis seconded the motion. Councillor Taylor outlined the changes and explained that, in the context of the revised Planning and Development Code of Practicedefunct elements had been removed and an additional procedure for site visits had been included.
59.2 Councillor Lugg moved and Councillor Coole seconded an amendment to retain, at PART 1 – D, the following paragraph:
There will, however, be times when it only becomes apparent during the meeting that there is a declarable interest. Then the interest must be declared as soon as the Member becomes aware of it, even if it is during discussions on that particular item. The duty is on each Member to declare interests and these will be noted in the Committee minutes.
59.3 The amendment was accepted.
59.4 Councillor Coole stated that they were pleased to see that references to Trusts of which the Council was a Trustee were to be included following the recent meeting of the Saintbridge Trust which had met for the first since its foundation in the late 19th century.
59.5 RESOLVED (subject to the amendment as above):-
(1) That, having considered the recommendations of the General Purposes Committee, the proposed changes to the Constitution be adopted and a list of all Trusts held by the Council be appended to the Constitution.
(2) To authorise the Head of Paid Service to amend the list of Trusts, to add, delete or amend the list as required from time to time to maintain its accuracy.
Supporting documents:
- Constitutional Changes (Report), item 59. PDF 234 KB
- Constitutional Changes (Appendix 1), item 59. PDF 72 KB
- Constitutional Changes (Appendix 2a), item 59. PDF 513 KB
- Constitutional Changes (Appendix 2b), item 59. PDF 502 KB
- Constitutional Changes (Appendix 2c), item 59. PDF 690 KB
- Constitutional Changes (Appendix 3), item 59. PDF 248 KB