Agenda item
Revised Gloucester Local Development Scheme 2021-2023
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy concerning the adoption of the Gloucester Local Development Scheme 2021-2023, which updates the timetable for the preparation and adoption of the Gloucester City Plan and Joint Core Strategy Review.
84.1 The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy introduced the report and highlighted key elements.
84.2 Councillor Hilton noted that whilst he generally happy with the contents of the report, he raised concerns about the fact that the comparative site assessment study had not yet been published.
84.3 Councillor Gravells moved and Councillor Cook seconded the motion.
84.4 RESOLVED that: - the revised Gloucester Local Development Scheme (Appendix 1) is adopted by the Council and takes effect immediately.
Supporting documents:
- Local Development Scheme (Report), item 84. PDF 165 KB
- Local Development Scheme (Appendix 1), item 84. PDF 197 KB