Agenda item

Money Plan 2022-27 & Budget Proposals 2022/23

To consider the report of the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking review of the Council’s Money Plan for recommendation to Council.





(1)       the proposals for the 2022/23 budget included in the report are approved and recommended to Council


(2)       it is noted that consultation has been undertaken on budget proposals.


Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought Members to review the Council’s Money Plan for recommendation to Council.


The Leader of the Council summarised the proposed plan and placed it in the context of the challenging circumstances regarding COVID-19 and local government finance.  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources outlined some of the detail, especially in her own portfolio, and reiterated the uncertainty around the impact of the pandemic and recent cyber incident.  She advised Members that the final Local Government Finance Settlement had been received after the report had been published but reassured them that the relevant sections would be amended before it is submitted to Council.  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources drew Members’ attention to the public consultation (Appendix 7) and the top five priorities identified by respondents as the most important to them.  She expressed thanks of Cabinet and her own personal gratitude to all officers but especially the Director of Policy and Resources and the entire Finance Team for their work and support. 


The Cabinet Member for Environment commented on the £500,000 increase in income from recycling achieved over just five years brought about by both residents and improved processing from the contractors, the latter despite the constraints of the pandemic.  He thanked all people involved.




(1)       the proposals for the 2022/23 budget included in the report are approved and recommended to Council


(2)       it is noted that consultation has been undertaken on budget proposals.

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