Agenda item
The Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust
To consider the report of the Managing Director concerning recommendations for the governance of the Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust.
85.1 The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure introduced the report and highlighted key elements. Councillor Morgan moved and Councillor Watkins seconded the motion.
85.2 Councillor Coole proposed the following amendment to add the following paragraph to resolution 2 outlined in the report:
“2(b) If the report should achieve unanimity then the governance arrangements as set out in 2(a) shall proceed. If it should fail to achieve unanimity, a politically proportionate Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust Management Committee is established, which will shall always include the three Councillors from Matson and Robinswood Ward as members”
85.3 The amendment was accepted.
85.4 Councillor Coole encouraged all Members to vote in favour of the governance arrangements to ensure that as, an outgoing Council, they left the new administration, with ‘solid governance’ arrangements for the Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust.
85.5 Councillor Gravells noted that he agreed with Councillor Coole.
85.6 RESOLVED (subject to the amendment as above): -
(1) The Governance arrangements set out in Appendix 1 are approved and adopted.
(2) (a) A Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust Management Committee is established comprising the three city councillors elected to represent the Matson and Robinswood Ward, the two cabinet leads with responsibility for communities and recreation and one appointee from each of the other political groups on the Council not otherwise represented. (Now 2A after the accepted amendment)
(b) If the report should achieve unanimity then the governance arrangements as set out in 2(a) shall proceed. If it should fail to achieve unanimity, a politically proportionate Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust Management Committee is established, which will shall always include the three Councillors from Matson and Robinswood Ward as members
(3) The Management Committee is given the terms of reference and the delegated powers set out in the Governance Arrangements set out at Appendix 1 to this report.
(4) In order to lawfully establish a Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust Management Committee which is not required to be politically balanced, this resolution is approved without dissent.
Supporting documents:
- The Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust (Report), item 85. PDF 147 KB
- The Saintbridge Recreation Ground Trust (Appendix 1), item 85. PDF 294 KB