Agenda item
Action Points Arising From Previous Meetings
To consider the outcomes of action points arising from previous Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings.
23.1 The Chair introduced the new agenda item and explained that the purpose was to provide Members with an update on action points arising from previous Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings. He noted that a useful infographic had been provided to help Members signpost homelessness advice and explain the support available for people who had been made homeless. The Chair also noted that a breakdown of lost income in Cultural and Leisure Services had been provided and that the figures were as expected due to Coronavirus restrictions enforcing the closure of cultural venues. He noted his hope that that these figures would improve going forward, in line with the lifting of these restrictions.
23.2 Referring to the Gloucester Goes Retro Festival which had taken place on Saturday 28th August 2021, Councillor Tracey expressed the view that it was an excellent day and asked where the money collected through charity collection boxes would be donated. Councillor Organ confirmed that the money would be donated to the Mayor’s charities, and recipients would include the local MS Therapy Centre, Cancer Research UK and the Alzheimer’s Society.
23.3 Councillor Lewis asked whether the Overview and Scrutiny Committee could have sight of the footfall figures for recent events which were taking place in the city, including the Gloucester Retro Festival, Gloucester Day and Gloucester Pride Day. It was explained that there were clicker systems in place to monitor the number of people attending these events, but Members acknowledged that it would be difficult to provide an exact figure. It was agreed that officers would request that estimated footfall figures be included in future Festivals and Events reports for the Committee to note.
23.4 The Chair explained that the Group Leads had pointed out that there was no formal avenue to update Members on the outcomes of Council Motions, and whether actions which had been agreed during Council meetings had been followed through. He asked for views from the Committee as to whether Members would like this to be included as a regular standing agenda item at Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings.
23.5 Referring to the timescale for asking officers for updates on the actions resulting from Council Motions, Councillor Pullen noted that the Group Leads had proposed a 6-month time frame between a motion being accepted and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee requesting an update.
23.6 Councillor Wilson noted his support for the idea and commented that it would be useful to have a review of action points from previous Council meetings.
23.7 Councillor Hilton noted that he was in favour of the idea and shared the view that it would be useful for the updates to be in the public domain so that any members of the public who were interested in the outcomes of Council Motions could easily find them. Councillor Hilton also suggested that the Committee ask for concise updates so as not to add excessively to officers’ workloads.
23.8 Councillor Lewis suggested that the Committee only request updates on Council Motions which had been accepted and it was agreed that this would be added to future Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas as a standing item.
23.9 Councillor Hilton referred to the update provided on the installation of external defibrillators (3) and asked for a timeframe as to when discussions were likely to take place with ward Councillors for the areas where defibrillator gaps had been identified. The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment noted that £6,000 had already been set aside and expressed the view that it would be sensible to use this funding which had been made available. The Chair noted that Councillors were occasionally approached by community organisations, such as local football teams, and commented that there may be a willingness from the community to get involved. It was agreed that an update on discussions with ward Members would be provided in due course.
RESOLVED – That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NOTE the update.
Supporting documents:
- Action Points Update, item 23. PDF 331 KB
- Appendix 1 - Countywide Homelessness Infographic 2021, item 23. PDF 317 KB