Agenda item
To receive announcements from:
a) The Mayor
b) Leader of the Council
c) Members of the Cabinet
d) Chairs of Committees
e) Head of Paid Service
Leader of the Council
92.1 The Leader of the Council, Councillor Cook informed Members that the Council had been awarded an £85k grant to install two new changing place toilets in the city centre which would be specifically for disabled access. One would be situated at the Quays and another at the Museum of Gloucester.
Members of the Cabinet
92.2 The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, Councillor S. Chambers announced that 86 new homes had recently come online in Quedgeley Field Court, with 25% being s.106 homes. (25% shared ownership and 75% affordable rent). The Housing project and strategy team had worked in partnership with Sanctuary Homes and occupational therapists to ensure that 17 of these homes were built to meet accessible and adaptable needs of residents and would be let via the Homeseekers register to households in need of this accommodation. Sanctuary recently commented that Gloucester City Council provided Sanctuary with an improved understanding of accessible and adaptable housing needs in Gloucester providing huge benefits to all.