Agenda item
Financial Monitoring: Quarter 1 2024-25
- Meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 2nd September 2024 6.30 pm (Item 17.)
- View the background to item 17.
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources presenting the year-end forecasts, financial pressures on the Council during the Quarter ended 30th June 2024 and reporting on the performance of the Council against certain key financial performance indicators.
17.1 The Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Wilson, introduced the report and explained that it summarised the Council’s financial performance during the first quarter of 2024 against the budget approved by Council back in February 2024. He noted that the forecasts tended to be prudent at the start of the financial year.
17.2 Councillor Wilson advised the Committee that the Council continued to face the same key pressures, including high inflation and continued high energy prices. He noted that the local government funding landscape was currently uncertain due to the change in central government after the General Election in July 2024. Councillor Wilson summarised the key pressures and issues to note in each portfolio area as outlined in the report, and highlighted that the Council’s payment performance continued to be commendable.
17.3 Councillor Millard referred to the narrative concerning staff vacancies at 5.5 in the report and asked for further clarification as to the reasons behind the vacancies. She also asked how staff were coping with any additional pressures as a result of vacant roles, and whether the Council was providing any support to Officers. Councillor Wilson confirmed his understanding that there had been delays in recruiting owing to the recruitment freeze, and that any savings would have been taken into account when preparing the report. On the issue of additional workload pressures, Councillor Wilson advised that he would seek clarity from Officers and provide a response in due course.
17.4 In relation to the forecast underspend in the housing portfolio, Councillor Millard asked whether unused resource would be retained in the housing and homelessness portfolio rather than bolstering other areas seeing pressures. Councillor Wilson confirmed that if unspent funds were to be put into a reserve, this was a matter to consider when the next budget was compiled. This said, he confirmed that he would take her comments on board.
17.5 Councillor Millard queried how long the baler machine had been out of operation and how the Council had mitigated any impact on income. The Financial Service Manager advised that the baler machine had been out of operation for 4-6 weeks and was now back in operation following overhaul works. He noted that as a result of the overhaul, the machine would now last for several years and that Officers were forward planning the capital spend into the next budget.
17.6 Referring to the Environment portfolio, Councillor S. Chambers observed that the Council only had one baler. She understood that when the Council entered into contract with Ubico, there were discussions around opportunities to work in synergies and asked whether there was an opportunity to share another partner’s baler. Councillor Wilson confirmed that he would check and provide a full answer in due course, however it was his expectation that authorities had one baler each.
17.7 In respect of the narrative around licensing at 5.17 in the report, Councillor S. Chambers asked whether the Council had put any pressure on central Government to increase the statutory license fees. She also asked how the Council was making itself an attractive licensing authority for taxi drivers to encourage them to work in Gloucester, and whether the Council monitored any increase in applications from taxi drivers. Councillor Wilson advised that he would follow these queries up with Officers and answers would be provided to the Committee in due course.
17.8 In response to a query from Councillor Castle as to why the license fees had not been increased, Councillor Wilson explained that there were statutory limitations.
17.9 Councillor Conder asked for an update on the Eastgate Market redevelopment. Councillor Wilson advised that he was due to meet with Officers and market traders to discuss the latest position.
17.10 Councillor Bell raised concerns regarding the length of time taken to overhaul the baler machine. Councillor Wilson noted Councillor Bell’s concerns and advised that he would look into the matter further to ascertain whether contingency plans were needed in the future.
17.11 In response to a question from the Chair, Councillor Chambers-Dubus, regarding the parking income, Councillor Wilson explained that there had been a loss in capacity and that the Council had seen a reduction in season ticket purchases due to changes in working patterns and increased homeworking. He noted that the closure of Longsmith Street car park had had a significant impact on parking income.
17.12 The Chair asked whether consideration would be given to lowering the car park fees if the data suggested that this was having an impact on car park usage. Councillor Wilson confirmed that this would form part of the budget setting process.
17.13 Councillor Bell raised concerns regarding the cark park fees and appearance of Longsmith Street car park which were noted.
17.14 Councillor Conder asked whether any consideration was being given to offering flexible season tickets to car park users to reflect changes in work patterns. Councillor Wilson noted that would be taken forward during the budget preparation and that Officers would look into whether the suggested approach was feasible.
17.15 In response to a query from Councillor Radley regarding data on car park capacity and usage across the city and whether this data could be used to raise awareness of lesser-used car parks, Councillor Wilson confirmed that he agreed that there was a need to look at the map of car parking in the city. He noted that additional parking would be available in the city on completion of the Forum development.
17.16 Councillor Conder queried whether the Forum parking spaces would be priced in the same way as existing city centre car parks, to which Councillor Wilson confirmed that fees would be consistent across the city.
17.17 In response to a query from Councillor Radley regarding the Council’s reserves and how the Council was ensuring that those reserves were being used for designated purposes, Councillor Wilson explained that this was general accounting practice and that where the Council had been awarded grants, these needed to be spent in a specified way and allocated into specific reserves. He noted that the Council published these figures so that the public could be assured that the money was being spent correctly.
17.18 RESOLVED – That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NOTE the report.
Supporting documents:
- Financial Monitoring: Quarter 1 2024-25, item 17. PDF 224 KB
- Appendix 1 Capital Monitoring, item 17. PDF 121 KB