Issue - decisions
Local List of Heritage Assets for Gloucester City
08/11/2019 - The Creation of a Local List of Heritage Assets for Gloucester City
(1) the principle of preparing, consulting and adopting a list of locally important heritage assets for Gloucester City (The ‘Local List’) be approved
(2) the local list selection criteria that has been consulted upon and included in Appendix 2 of the report be used for the identification of such assets, be approved.
(3) a panel of experts be established to use the adopted selection criteria to make recommendations on whether to add buildings, structures or other features to the local list, and to authorise amendments, additions and deletions, as required and terms of reference will be established. The result of the panel meeting will be used as the basis for a draft list to be formally consulted upon and for a Cabinet report to be presented on these findings for formal adoption. See Appendix 3 of the report for terms of reference for selection panel and Appendix 4 for nomination form.