Issue - decisions
Review of the Public Space Protection Order
11/03/2021 - Review of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)
(1) generally, PSPOs are not required to be brought to Cabinet or Council for approval or amendment unless there are exceptional circumstances. Delegation has already been agreed by full Council in 2018 that the Head of Communities and Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods have authority to sign off on PSPOs
(2) City wide restrictions currently in place to deal with alcohol and dog related nuisance will be renewed for a further 3 years
(3) the suitability of standalone PSPOs or other means of resolution are considered as appropriate for other nuisance issues raised to the City Council, and delegations as above are used to implement any new measures
(4) Cabinet continue to endorse the Council’s “engage, support, enforce” approach as its primary means of dealing with street-based nuisance, with PSPOs used as a supporting tool.