Issue - decisions

Redevelopment of St Oswalds

11/03/2021 - St Oswalds Redevelopment



(1)            to authorise the Property Commissioning Manager, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, Head of Policy and Resources and Head of Place:


a.      To accept a surrender from Tesco Stores Limited (at no more than market value) of the land edged Red on the Plan or otherwise to facilitate the transfer of that part of Tesco Stores Limited’s leasehold interest in the land edged Red to RHA


b.      To agree heads of terms with RHA for the disposal at best consideration of the freehold interest, or the grant of a long lease (for a term of at least 99 years from completion) in all or part of the areas of land shown edged Red, Purple and Yellow on the Plan (“the Property”) whether by one or more transactions


(2)            to authorise the Head of Policy and Resources to agree heads of terms with RHA for such financial agreements as may be desirable or necessary to protect payment of the purchase price negotiated under Resolution 1(b) until it is received


(3)            to authorise the Head of Place (insofar as they are not authorised under Resolutions 1 and 2 above, or otherwise delegated to an officer under the Constitution or lie with a Proper Officer) in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy, the Head of Policy and Resources and the Council Solicitor to take all necessary steps and undertake necessary procedures, including but not limited to:


a.      entering into any legal arrangements or other documentation as may be required to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for up to 300 new homes on the Property


b.      to enter into partnership working arrangements with RHA desirable to achieve the comprehensive redevelopment outcomes described in Resolution 3(a)


(4)            to authorise the recipients of the delegations set out in Resolutions (1)–(3) above to instruct the Council Solicitor to prepare such documents as considered appropriate to achieve the outcomes set out in those Resolutions.