Issue - decisions
Review of Policy for the Provision of Sandbags to the Public
16/07/2021 - The Use of Sandbags during Flooding Events
(1) it is confirmed that householders continue to be primarily responsible for the protection of their own property;
(2) it is confirmed that householders at frequent risk from flooding continue to be primarily responsible for being prepared in advance of the onset of flooding;
(3) it is affirmed that the Council’s primary roles in relation to flood management in the city are:
a) source of advice to householders to make appropriate provision for protecting their property in the event of a flooding incident and find alternative methods of protection such as flood barriers and other physical measures;
b) to manage and maintain watercourses within its own ownership;
c) through production of appropriate strategic planning policies and enforcement of planning conditions related to flood management and
d) during and after a flooding incident, to provide support as requested/appropriate by the lead flood agencies (Environment Agency and Gloucestershire County Council) in this area;
(4) the policy statement outlined in Appendix 1 of the report is adopted.