Issue - decisions

Gloucester Commission to Review Race Relations

13/09/2022 - Gloucester Commission to Review Race Relations



(1)       the breadth of work of the Commission is noted and Commissioners, partners, members of the community and individuals who contributed to the work are thanked


(2)       a lead role is taken, working collaboratively with other public sector organisations, in implementing the four Calls to Action that the Commission considers must be delivered at a Gloucestershire system level, that is:


a)    the establishment of an independent, permanent, funded and high-profile legacy institution for Gloucestershire


b)    setting out a Gloucestershire wide vision for workforce equality in the public sector; putting in place measures to monitor workforce equality (including pay), and deliver some workforce equality initiatives at a county-wide level, most importantly a Gloucestershire ‘stepping up’ programme for aspiring leaders from racially minoritized backgrounds.


c)    commit to putting in place measures and driving the required changes in culture and mindsets to ensure the collection and use of comprehensive and high-quality ethnicity data in planning and delivering public sector services, including commissioned services.


d)  acknowledge the existence of racism, prejudice and micro-aggressions in Gloucester and Gloucestershire, and commit to and step up individual and organisational leadership to tackle these with confidence and clarity.


(3)       a publicly available progress report on the implementation of findings and calls to action resulting from the work of the Commission is issued by 31 January 2023.