Issue - decisions
Kings Quarter The Forum Phase 2 Progress
26/09/2022 - Kings Quarter The Forum Phase 2 Approval
(1) the Head of Place in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment, the Director of Policy and Resources and the Council Solicitor is authorised to complete the acquisition of the remaining property interests in Market Parade, plot 3c, and enter into a JCT Building Contract with the successfully tendered construction company E G Carter to implement the second phase of the residential apartments forming part of Kings Quarter The Forum as set out in Appendix C of the report
(2) authority is delegated to the Head of Place in consultation with the Director of Policy and Resources and the Council Solicitor to take all necessary steps and undertake necessary procedures, including entering into any legal arrangements or other documentation as may be required to implement or facilitate Phase 2 Kings Quarter The Forum for the operation of the Hotel and Car Park together with the development of the residential apartments on plot 3c.