Issue - decisions

Podsmead Land Transfer

08/12/2022 - Transfer of Sites in Podsmead to Enable The Regeneration of The Estate

RESOLVED that delegated authority is given to the Property Commissioning Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Performance & Resources and Planning & Housing Strategy, the Head of Communities and the Head of Place to:


(1)       negotiate heads of terms with Gloucester City Homes (GCH) for the disposal of the freehold interest in the areas of sites shown edged Red on the Plan (“the sites”) whether by one or more transactions, and that a cost benefit analysis informs the final decision on disposal


(2)       negotiate heads of terms with GCH on an agreement to provide affordable homes within the regeneration of the estate


(3)       if so required, to seek authority from the Secretary of State to dispose of the sites on the proposed terms


(4)       negotiate terms with Gloucester United Schools Trust (GUS) for the release, relaxation or variation of the restrictive covenants affecting the sites.