Election results for Grange

Gloucester City Council - Thursday, 2nd May 2024

Grange - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Sylvia Evans Conservative 552 21% Elected
Andrew Bell Independent 458 17% Elected
Gary John Davis Labour or Labour & Co-Operative 455 17% Not elected
Jennie Watkins Conservative 445 17% Not elected
Simon Phillip Cozens Labour or Labour & Co-Operative 442 17% Not elected
Karen Minchin Liberal Democrat 136 5% Not elected
Kira Moffatt Liberal Democrat 136 5% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 2624
Electorate 5037
Number of ballot papers issued 1449
Number of ballot papers rejected 4
Turnout 29%
Share of the votes (%)
Sylvia Evans 21% Elected
Andrew Bell 17% Elected
Gary John Davis 17% Not elected
Jennie Watkins 17% Not elected
Simon Phillip Cozens 17% Not elected
Karen Minchin 5% Not elected
Kira Moffatt 5% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty2
voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to2
Total rejected4