Issue - meetings

Introductions and Procedures

Meeting: 15/05/2013 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 34)

Introductions and Procedures

The Chair to arrange introductions and explain the procedure to be followed for the Hearing



The Chair introduced the Members of the Sub-Committee and officers in attendance and invited the Applicant and Other Parties to introduce themselves at the appropriate time.  The Chair explained the procedures that would be followed during the meeting.


In addition to the Members of the Sub-Committee and Council officers in attendance, the following were present:-


Mr Mohammed Alif, Applicant

Mr Brian Kent, Applicant’s Advocate

Mr Sivakaran Somanathan, proposed Designated Premises Supervisor


Mr and Mrs Tanzillo, local residents

Mr Terry Witson, local businessman

Mr David Dorman, local resident

Mr Adrian Jones, local resident