Issue - meetings

Gambling Act 2005 – Draft Statement of Principles (post consultation)

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Licensing and Enforcement Committee (Item 13)

13 Revised Statement of Principles - Gambling Act 2005 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To receive the report of the Head of Public Protection which advises Members of the outcome from the recent consultation exercise undertaken with stakeholders in relation to the 2016-2019 Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles, and which seeks formal approval and adoption by Council.


Additional documents:


The Senior Licensing and Markets Officer presented his report which detailed the outcome of the recent consultation undertaken with stakeholders in respect of 2016 – 2019 Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles and sought approval by the Committee to recommend adoption by the Council.


He advised that the document had been subject to consultation for a period of ten weeks ending on 25 August 2015.


All consultees were invited to make a written comment and the consultation had also been advertised on the Council’s website with provision for a response to be made.


He outlined the four responses that had been received and which were detailed at paragraphs 3.13 to 3.19 of his report.


He drew Members’ attention to the suggestion by Richard Burge, Gloucester City Safe Manager that membership of City Safe should be made mandatory for betting shops and adult entertainment venues in the City.


The Senior Licensing and Markets Officer explained that specific mandatory and default conditions to be attached to Premises Licences were detailed in regulations issued by the Secretary of State, therefore the City Council was not able to include signing up to Gloucester City Safe as a condition.


He advised that the Statement of Principles included a recommendation that all holders of Premises Licences in the City sign up to Gloucester City Safe.


The Chair advised that she had had a long conversation with Mr Burge and following some issues in bookmakers’ premises, it was suggested that a letter be written jointly by the Council and City Safe highlighting the benefits of Membership.


Councillor Witts asked if City Safe was a national organisation and the Food Safety and Licensing Service Manager advised that it had been formed by merging Pub Watch and Shop Watch. A similar scheme had been working with success in Brighton and had been adopted by some London boroughs.


She advised that Stroud had recently joined the Gloucester City Safe Scheme and people barred from licensed premises in the town would also be barred from City premises and vice versa.


RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND to Council that the Statement of Principles 2016 -2019 – Gambling Act 2005 as set out in Appendix 1 be adopted and that the Head of Public Protection be authorised to publish and advertise it.