Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/02/2017 - Council (Item 61)

Notices of Motion

1.       Moved by Councillor Finnegan


      “This Council:   

·       notes that in Gloucester an estimated 1300 people are living with  dementia,  the majority  of whom are aged over 65.

·       recognises the support available to people with dementia and those who care for them;

·       acknowledges that the City Council has a role to play as we strive to work more closely with our health partners and the Public Health Team at Gloucestershire County Council;

·       Resolves to:


1.     Obtain recognition for Gloucester as a Dementia Friendly City (DFC).

2.     Follow the Alzheimers Society's key criteria for obtaining recognition as a DFC.

3.     Encourage businesses, organisations and services who meet the criteria to display the 'forget-me-not' logo.

4.     Encourage councillors to attend one of the Dementia Friends'  Awareness sessions.

5.     Encourage our staff to become a Dementia Friend and to attend Dementia Awareness sessions.

6.     Encourage staff and councillors to share their new knowledge with residents and businesses in Gloucester such that they can become aware of the issues affecting people with dementia.”


2.     Moved by Councillor Haigh


“Council acknowledges that the Law Centre and Citizens Advice Bureau are vital local advice services which offer an invaluable service to the City and which many residents depend on. 


Council notes that the proposed budget for 17/18 proposes huge cuts of 50% in City Council funding for these services, which if implemented will detrimentally affect the ability of these services to function 


Council requests that the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods carry out a full people impact assessment as to the impact of proposed budget cuts to advice services.”


3.     Moved by Councillor Haigh


“Council notes that the majority of the savings in the financial year 2017/18 will be delivered through the 'Together Gloucester' organisational restructure. 


Council notes that this restructure has wide reaching implications for all residents, and will fundamentally change how residents, officers and members interact. 


Council resolves to establish a cross party working group to monitor and assist with the delivery and implementation of the restructure.”
