Agenda and minutes
Venue: North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
Link: Watch meeting
No. | Item |
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair To confirm the appointments made at the Annual Meeting of Council of Councillor Millard as Chair and Councillor Brooker as Vice-Chair of the Committee. Minutes: Councillor Millard and Brooker were confirmed as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee respectively. |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or nonpecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: Councillor Radley declared an interest in agenda item 7 (Pavement Licensing). |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th December, 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting (12 December, 2023) were confirmed and signed off by the Chair as a true and accurate record. |
Public Question Time (15 minutes) The opportunity is given to members of the public to put questions to the Chair provided that questions do not contravene the provisions set out Council Procedure Rule 10.01.
To ask a question at this meeting, please submit it to by 12 noon on Thursday 6 June 2024 or telephone 01452 396203 for support.
Questions and responses will be published at least 24 hours before the meeting. Supplementary questions may be put and answered during the meeting, subject to the relevant time limit. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Petitions and Deputations (15 minutes, maximum 3 minutes per person) The opportunity is given to members of the public to present a petition or deputation provided that any such petition or deputation does not contravene the provisions set out Council Procedure Rule 11.01.
To present a petition or deputation at this meeting, please provide the subject matter to Minutes: There were no petitions nor deputations. |
Pavement Licensing – Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 PDF 162 KB To present to members, the report of the Corporate Director. The purpose of the report is to inform Members that the Pavement Licensing regime introduced during the Covid pandemic had now been made permanent. Additional documents: Minutes: 6.1 The Licensing Team Leader presented the report, the purpose of the report was to inform Members that the Pavement Licensing regime introduced during the Covid pandemic had now been made permanent.
6.2 The Chair moved to accept the recommendations outlined in the report. With no dissent, the recommendations were accepted.
6.3 The Licensing and Enforcement Committee RESOLVED to:-
1) Approve the proposed fees for new and renewal applications with immediate effect; 2) Agree to the proposed standard licence period of two years with immediate effect. AND; 3) Agree to the proposed amended standard conditions for all licences.
To receive the report of the Corporate Director. The purpose of the report is to outline to Members, details of key Licensing Activities carried out from 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024, including applications and service requests received, details of any enforcement work, progress updates of the work plan and any changes in Licensing Law. Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 The Licensing Team Leader asked members’ if they had any questions relating to the content of the report.
7.2 Councill Radley asked why there had not been an update in regard to the Permali Ltd site and whether one could be provided in the future. In response, the Licensing Team Leader stated that the Permali application fell under the Community Wellbeing Team’s jurisdiction and that he would chase for an update from them. Councillor Radley stated that it would be helpful to have it as a standing item for part of the Quarterly Update. The Licensing Team Leader stated that it would be included as part of the Quarterly Report for the next full meeting of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee.
7.3 Councillor Patel asked if there had been a reduction int hea mount of enforcement work undertaking by the Licensing Team. He further noted that residents had informed him of a few instances of private hire and hackney carriage drivers not following the rules of the road. In response, the Licensing Team Leader stated that he would note the feedback about drivers’ at future trade meetings.
7.4 Councillor Radley asked for more detail in relation to the ‘Street Trading Policy Review’ included on the forward plan for Licensing. IN response, the Licensing Team Leader stated that that had been a standing item, however, owing to a change in administration, he would need to converse with the recently appointed Chair of the Committee and the Cabinet Member to ascertain their views on it.
7.5 Councillor Patel pointed to paragraph 4.6 of the report, he congratulated the Community Wellbeing Officer in achieving the OFQUAL Level 3 in inspecting licensable activities involving animals. He asked if other authorities had similar expertise and if not, if the Council could generate extra income by doing so. In response, the Licensing Team Leader echoed Councillor Patel’s congratulations to the Community Wellbeing Officer. He stated that the animal welfare legislation states time frames where a person from a Local Authority had to be qualified for the purpose of inspecting licensable activities including animals (CHECK).
7.6 RESOLVED that the Licensing and Enforcement Committee note the content of the report. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider the following resolution should members wish to discuss agenda item 10.
“That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the following item of business on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of proceeding, that if members of the press or public are present during consideration of this item there will be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 & 7 of Part 1 of Schedule12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended.” Minutes: There was no requirement to exclude the press and public as no Member indicated that they wished to discuss agenda item 10.
Exempt Minutes of Licensing and Enforcement Sub-Committees To receive the exempt minutes of the following meetings of the Licensing and Enforcement Sub-Committee, if members decide they wish to discuss them:
- 16th January 2024 (x2) - 17th April 2024 (x2). Minutes: RESOLVED that the exempt minutes of the Licensing and Enforcement Sub-Committees were noted. |
Date of next meeting Tuesday, X at 6.30 p.m. Minutes: Tuesday, 10th September at 6.30 p.m. |