Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To appoint a Chair for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Walford was elected Chair. |
Welcome and Introductions Those present to introduce themselves and the Chair to outline the procedure for the meeting. Minutes: Those present introduced themselves and the Chair outlined the procedure to be followed for the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Application for Determination PDF 93 KB For members to consider an application to review an existing Premises Licence in respect of Sedoos Stop, 25 London Road, Gloucester, GL1 3HB. Additional documents: Minutes: Licensing Officer’s Report
Additional conditions proposed by the Licence Holder, the Designated Premises Supervisor and their representatives were circulated to members and other relevant parties in advance of the meeting.
The Licensing Officer presented the report inviting members to consider an application from Gloucestershire Constabulary to review an existing Premises Licence in respect of Sedoos Stop, 25 London Road, Gloucester, GL1 3HB.
The Licensing Officer stated that, as a result of consultation between the Licence Holder, their representatives and Gloucestershire Constabulary, 16 proposed conditions on the Licence and an agreement to rearrange the layout of the shop, to help combat street drinking and anti-social behaviour within the locality had been reached.
The Chair asked if anyone present sought any clarification on any aspects of the Licensing Officer’s report.
No one sought clarification.
Statement of Gloucestershire Constabulary
Counsel representing Gloucestershire Constabulary stated that members had been called to consider a review application that had been lodged by the Police, in relation to Sedoos Stop, a well-known convenience store.
He stated that representatives for the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) had sent representations to the Constabulary and had proposed additional conditions on their Licence to help combat anti-social behaviour, and street drinking within the locality. He said that in 2017, Sedoos had applied for a Licence to sell alcohol 24 hours a day, and there existed similar issues with regards to street drinking and anti-social behaviour then, but these issues had been exacerbated in the past few years.
Counsel representing Gloucestershire Constabulary noted that after analysing the proposed additional conditions on the Licence put forward by representatives of the DPS and Licence Holder, their view was that these conditions would, broadly speaking, meet the concerns that the Police had.
Counsel representing Gloucestershire Constabulary stated that the premises was located near several complex housing providers. He added that when there was an off-licence that was proximate to complex housing providers and in an area that had issues with street drinking, that it was pivotal to promote Licensing objectives and have stringent conditions. He stated that the area where Sedoos was located had been a problematic area for several years.
Counsel representing Gloucestershire Constabulary stated that behavioural issues had got worse in the past 12 months and that the Gloucester and Forest Police Licensing Officer believed that the best way to deal with the behaviour that had been exacerbated by the selling of high strength and single cans of alcohol at Sedoos Stop was to have a review.
The Gloucester and Forest Police Licensing Officer explained that the biggest issue in the area was that of street drinking. He stated that the Constabulary had viewed CCTV which demonstrated clearly drunk persons who were congregating outside the store, going into it to purchase alcohol.
He stated that the issue of anti-social behaviour and street drinking in the area was so bad that children were taking a different route to school as people walking through the area were being heckled and abused.
The Gloucester and Forest Police ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |