Agenda and minutes
Venue: Civic Suite, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. View directions
Contact: Democratic and Electoral Services
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To appoint a Chair for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Finnegan was elected Chair. |
Introductions and Procedures Those present to introduce themselves and the Chair to outline the procedure for the meeting. Minutes: Those present introduced themselves and the Chair outlined the procedure to be followed for the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive from Members, declarations of the existence of any disclosable pecuniary, or non-pecuniary, interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Agenda Notes. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Application for Determination PDF 146 KB For members to consider and determine an application made by Gloucester Rugby Ltd for a new Premises Licence at St Catherines Street, Gloucester. Additional documents: Minutes: Licensing Officer’s Report
The Licensing Officer presented the report detailing an application by Gloucester Rugby Ltd for a new Premises Licence at St Catherine’s Street, Gloucester.
No members sought any clarification on the officer report.
A resident of Gloucester asked for clarification in relation to a petition she had provided to the Council, opposing the application. She said that the application was handed in on the deadline, not afterwards as stated by the officer. Counsel representing Gloucester Rugby Ltd stated that they were content to accept the petition.
Statement of the Applicant – Gloucester Rugby Ltd
Counsel representing Gloucester Rugby Ltd (hereafter minuted as the applicant) stated that the application was to licence an area of the Gloucester Rugby Training Centre as a multi-purpose function suite, which would have a maximum of 720 persons. He said that they were not looking to operate as a bar or open as a nightclub. He said that they were more interested in events, such as corporate events and a place for fans to meet on matchdays.
Counsel representing the applicant stated that the application was not to licence the entire building, but a section of it. He said that the application hours had created concern but they would not use those hours all the time. He said that their event partners who would run the events, had an excellent reputation for running events and were respected by local authorities and the police. He stated that, after consultation with the Police they had reduced the hours of the application. He said that appropriate noise mitigation measures had been put in place including the agreement that music noise level from any event at the venue would not exceed 85dB(A) 1 metre from the facade of any noise sensitive premises. He added that there would be no external speakers. He further stated that a Noise Assessment Survey had been carried out by noise experts which was used to work out the acceptable limits of noise from the site.
Councillor O’Donnell stated that he sympathised with the concerns of local residents. He asked how the applicant planned to deal with possible anti-social behaviour.
In response, Counsel representing the applicant noted that Licensing Law and policy could not control behaviour of individuals away from the site. He said that the applicant would be responsible for the building and its immediate vicinity, any anti-social behaviour away from the site did not fall under the application.
Councillor O’Donnell asked how much security presence would there be at the site.
In response, Counsel representing the applicant stated that this would be assessed on an event by event basis but that there would be adequate security at each one.
The Chair stated that she had concerns about being open until 2am for 12 times a year, she asked why they were proposing to open that late.
In response, Counsel representing the applicant said that they may not use the premises until 2am for the twelve events but that the proposed hours ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |