Agenda item

Questions by Members (Council Procedure Rule 12)

a)           Written questions to Cabinet Members


         Written questions and answers.  Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.


b)           Leader and Cabinet Members’ Question Time (45 minutes)


         Any member of the Council may ask the Leader of the Council or any Cabinet Member any question without prior notice, upon:


·        Any matter relating to the Council’s administration

·        Any matter relating to any report of the Cabinet appearing on the Council’s summons

·        A matter coming within their portfolio of responsibilities


         Only one supplementary question is allowed per question.


c)   Questions to Chairs of Meetings (15 Minutes)


Written questions to Cabinet Members


49a.1      As a supplementary question to her written question Councillor Haigh asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture whether he would be working on making Gloucester Carnival more inclusive.


49a.2      Councillor James advised that he would carefully consider the concerns raised and advised there were no plans to limit freedom of speech or expression, but that ensuring contributions were in the spirit of the event was the main priority.


49a.3      As a supplementary question to her written question Councillor Haigh asked the Cabinet Member for Housing, Health and Leisure if the Council would register the locations of its own defibrillator devices and encourage other organisations to do the same.


49a.4      Councillor Organ stated that an increasing number of organisations had defibrillators on site and that the British Heart Foundation was working with others to put together an up to date register.


49a.5      As a supplementary question to his written question Councillor Hansdot asked the Cabinet Member for Housing, Health and Leisure what steps the Council was taking to identify HMOs.


49a.6      Councillor Organ explained that the Council was required to keep a list of licensed HMOs only, but that he was aware that there were a number of other types of HMOs in Barton and Tredworth ward, a number of which were unlicensed. He advised that enforcement action was taken in the case of unlicensed HMOs and that an Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group would be looking at the issue.


49a.7      As a supplementary question to his written question Councillor Hansdot asked the Cabinet Member for Environment if the trade waste scheme could be extended to include Barton Street.


49a.8      Councillor Porter advised that it was necessary to see how the scheme would work in the Gate Streets before considering any extensions, but that the inclusion of Barton Street would be reviewed in the future.


49a.9      As a supplementary question to his written question Councillor Gravells asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture if he would do all he could to ensure that the review of the Assets of Community Value policy was completed within one month.


49a.10   Councillor James undertook to ask officers to complete the review as quickly as possible.


49a.11   RESOLVED – That the written questions submitted and corresponding responses be noted.


Leader and Cabinet Members’ Question Time


49b.1      Councillor Hilton asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture how many of the key regeneration sites identified by the Council and the City MP would be delivered on prior to the Rugby World Cup in 2015


49b.2      Councillor James explained that the ‘hit list’ contained sites with a range of different challenges and at different stages on development; the progress achievable by 2015 would vary from site to site, but a number would be completed. He stated that it was important to use the Rugby World as a lever to attract investment, but that regeneration for the good of the whole City was the long term priority.


49b.3      Councillor Hilton asked how the City MP would contribute to the regeneration of the City.


49b.4      Councillor James advised the City MP took a significant interest in regeneration and would continue to work with the Council to meet the challenges presented. He stated that both the economy and property prices were recovering and that this would contribute to delivering on major and minor schemes.


49b.5      Councillor Haigh asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture what acting up arrangements had been put in place while the Head of Paid Service would be away on holiday.


49b.6      Councillor James advised that the Council would ensure appropriate interim arrangements were in place including acting up responsibilities and support from the County Council.


49b.7      Councillor Haigh asked when Members would be informed of the arrangements.


49b.8      Councillor James stated that the plans were well advanced and that Members would be informed shortly.


49b.9      Councillor Hilton asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture for an assurance that there would be no ban imposed on the involvement of political and religious groups in Gloucester Carnival and the Gloucester Day Parade.


49b.10   Councillor James stated that in respect of the Carnival, the Council had no intention of banning any groups. He stated that it was difficult to provide rules to cover every eventuality, but that individual groups should consider whether their contributions were in the spirit of the event. He advised the Council was not the organiser of the Gloucester Day Parade.


49b.11   Councillor Haigh asked the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods how long residents should expect to wait for a call to the Council’s ‘396396’ number to be answered.


49b.12   Councillor Dallimore acknowledged the waiting times increase during peak times and undertook to provide Councillor Haigh with up to date performance data.


49b.13   Councillor Haigh asked whether the Council would consider introducing a call back facility for callers waiting for longer than a specified amount of time.


49b.14   Councillor Dallimore stated that she was not aware that there was a problem with the call waiting times and that a call back facility was not necessary. She advised that there were a number of ways for individuals to contact the Council and that additional staff were brought in to the Contact Centre during peak times.


49b.15   Councillor Wilson asked the Cabinet Member for Environment to provide details of the archaeological excavation taking place in Hucclecote ward, including any proposals to sell off the land in question.


49b.16   Councillor Porter advised that he had not been made aware of the work being carried out and would report back to Councillor Wilson after the meeting.


49b.17   Councillor Williams asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture if he welcomed the news of the relocation of a number of jobs to the Pillar and Lucy Warehouse.


49b.18   Councillor James welcomed the announcement and noted that the jobs were high value positions. He stated that the news added to the growing feeling that Gloucester was an attractive location for businesses.


49b.19   Councillor Brown asked the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods to explain the reasons for the delay to the upgrade of CCTV equipment at the Bearland control centre.


49b.20   Councillor Dallimore advised that the delay was largely due to the election of the new Police and Crime Commissioner who had taken the decision to relocate the CCTV control room. As a result the Council was in discussion about a joint procurement exercise with Cheltenham Borough Council, which was likely to deliver some financial savings and could also deliver proposals for free wifi in the City centre. It was anticipated that the procurement would be concluded by 1 April 2015.


49b.21   Councillor Chatterton asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture why 9 out of the 10 street lights on Eastgate Street were not working and how quickly they would be repaired.


49b.22   Councillor James noted that street lights were the responsibility of the County Council and suggested that every individual had a duty to report problems to the relevant authority so that action could be taken swiftly.


49b.23   Councillor Toleman asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture if he welcomed the announcement that Gloucester had been named as the second fastest growing retail destination in the country.


49b.24   Councillor James stated that he welcomed the news and noted that the City had climbed 26 places in the ranking. He explained that it was important to understand the complete message and that the positive news should be used to attract new retailers to the City.


49b.25   Councillor Gilson asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture why Marketing Gloucester were being prevented from erecting Rugby World Cup promotional banner by Council conservation officers.


49b.26   Councillor James advised that discussions had taken place about what level of display was appropriate and Council officers had taken a cautious approach. He stated that conversations would take place around the appropriate dressing of the City in advance of and during the tournament.


49b.27   Councillor Gilson asked whether the banner brackets would be used to advertise others events.


49b.28   Councillor James confirmed that the Council had secured a deal with the bracket supplier for repeated use.


49b.29   Councillor Ravenhill asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture for update on works being carried out on St Michael’s Tower.


49b.30   Councillor James reported that the scaffolding was due to come down on 6 October 2014 and that the work had been completed on time and on budget. He added that it demonstrated the importance placed upon the Council’s ownership of historic buildings.


49b.31   Councillor Randle asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture if he agreed that the City’s cultural offering was to be commended.


49b.32   Councillor James stated that the City’s cultural offering was impressive, with a packed programme of events and the Arts Commission keen to invest.


49b.33   Councillor Randle asked whether art created during the Paint Jam event would be displayed on empty shops.


49b.34   Councillor James advised that he was keen for art to be displayed in appropriate places and that Marketing Gloucester would be assisting with this.


49b.35   Councillor Lewis asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture if he welcomed the news that unemployment in the City was in a sustained downward trend.


49b.36   Councillor James welcomed the news and emphasised the importance of ensuring that people could access the training required to meet the needs of employers in the City and that the Council would continue to work with the Local Economic Partnership on such objectives.


49b.37   Councillor Field asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture what specific action was proposed to bring Tanners Hall and the former Trident Life Building back into use.


49b.38   Councillor James advised that the current position in respect of Tanners Hall was being established; consents were agreed, but not implemented and a sale had not been achieved to date. He reported that restructuring work had been taking place at the former Trident Life Building and that he hoped some progress would now be made; he noted that an interest in converting the property had been expressed. He undertook to keep Councillor Field updated in respect on both buildings.


49b.39   Councillor Beeley asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture for an update on the disused public conveniences in Hucclecote ward.


49b.40   Councillor James undertook to obtain an update on the latest position from Asset Management.


49b.41   Councillor Patel asked the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture if he agreed that there was a growing level of confidence in the City as a result of the number of new businesses opening in Barton Street and the City Centre.


49b.42   Councillor James welcomed the opening of new businesses in the City and in Barton Street, which was a clear indication of confidence in the City, and praised the Economic Development team for their work on encourage businesses to come to Gloucester.


49b.43   Councillor Smith asked the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods who was monitoring the key performance indicators in respect of calls to revenues and benefits and calls to customer services, and whether there had been any recent improvements in performance.


49b.44   Councillor Dallimore advised that the relevant officers continued to monitor the performance of these services and she undertook to provide Members with recent performance data.


49b.45   Councillor Pullen asked the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods for an update on spend from the Members’ Allocation Fund and details of how it was being monitored.


49b.46   Councillor Dallimore reported that take up had so far been very limited and she encouraged Members to take advantage of the funding available to them to support projects in their wards. She advised that the Community Engagement team were responsible for monitoring use of the fund and would ensure that it was spent appropriately.

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