Agenda item

Complaints Policy

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods concerning the Corporate Complaints Policy.



46.1      The Council considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods concerning the corporate Complaints Policy.


46.2      Councillor Dallimore moved the recommendation in the report. She advised that the complaints policy, along with the many compliments received, was essential to the monitoring customer feedback and ensuring that the service provided was continuously reviewed and improved.


46.3      Councillor James seconded the motion.


46.4      Councillor Haigh requested that the documentation be amended to make it clear that the equalities information would be recorded and stored separately from the complaint to ensure that members of the public were not discouraged from complaining.


46.5      Councillor Dallimore agreed to amend the wording on the form.


46.6      RESOLVED – That the Complaints Policy at Appendix 1 be approved.

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