Agenda item

DLK Furnishings, 5-7 Stroud Road

An application for determination, reference 14/00381/FUL and 14/00382/LBC.


Person to contact:             Development Control Manager

                                                Tel: 01452 396783



The Development Control Manager presented the report which detailed the following applications at DLK Furnishings, 5-7 Stroud Road:-


14/00381/COU - Change of use from shop (Use Class A1) to hot food take-away (Use Class A5) with associated internal and external alterations to include installation of one extract flue concealed with cladding on rear elevation.


14/00382/LBC – Internal and external alterations to Listed Building in association with proposed change of use from shop (Use Class A1) to hot food take-away (Use Class A5).


He advised that the application had been presented to Committee at the request of Councillor Hobbs as he considered that the application site was on a very busy corner where there was no parking.


He referred Members to the late material which contained the comments of Gloucester Civic Trust Planning Appraisal Group, a query raised by the agent and the recommendation of the Development Control Manager.


He noted that the Flood Risk Assessment was acceptable, there were no objections from County Highways and the Design and Access Statement anticipated that 63 per cent of the business would be deliveries by vehicles using the service yard and accessing Trier Way.


Owen Pike, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr Pike advised that the application, which had been prepared in accordance with national and local policies with no objections from the public or statutory consultees, was recommended for consent by Officers.


He believed that the proposal, which was outside the City centre, would bring economic benefits including 20 full time jobs. There was no adjoining residential property therefore there would be no impact on dwellings. Although situated on a busy corner, the proposal was acceptable to County Highways.  Delivery vehicles would use the rear yard where there were also two staff parking spaces. On street parking and car parks were available in the locality.


The Chair expressed concern about parking and the possible stationing of vehicles in front of the premises.


Councillor Smith was also concerned about parking. She noted that the local roads were full in the evenings and referred to paragraph 6.5 of the Officer’s report that noted that the retail park parking was restricted to park patrons. She believed that parking in the bus stop could cause problems and suggested bollards to prevent parking in front of the premises.


Councillor McLellan expressed similar concerns but noted that County Highways were satisfied. He noted that penalty charges had been imposed on non-patrons in the retail park in the past and could be re-introduced. He did not consider that two parking spaces would be sufficient for staff.


Councillor Chatterton noted that the bus stop was used by the No.10 service which was one of the busiest in the City.


The Development Control Manager reiterated that there was no highways objection therefore it would be difficult to sustain a refusal at appeal. He noted other businesses operated locally without providing car parking and the premises had the benefit of A1 use so could be used as a retail store.


Councillor Lewis noted that the business customers would require short stay parking and asked if this could be conditioned or bollards could be installed. He stated that he was happy with the change of use other than the parking aspects.


He was advised that the land in question was not in the applicant’s control so could not be conditioned although County Highways could consider installing bollards or barriers.


The Development Control Manager explained that County Highways had to work to the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework which was based on a presumption in favour of sustainable development.


Councillor Smith suggested that County Highways be asked to monitor parking at the site and this was agreed.


Councillor Dee believed that street furniture and layout of the corner could be improved.




1)         subject to no substantive objections being received as a result of the publicity by 2 July 2014, planning permission and Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the conditions in the report; and


2)         a letter be sent on behalf of the Committee to Gloucestershire County Council Highways section requesting that they ensure that the junction is monitored.

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